Creating a 21st Century Estate: The experiences of Lancaster West Estate residents. First Stage Report
Published 11 December 2023
Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy, a commitment was made by all levels of government for Lancaster West Estate, where the Tower stands, to become a “model 21st century social housing estate”, through a resident-led refurbishment. This research project aims to explore and assess the experiences of residents living on Lancaster West Estate as their homes and neighbourhood undergo an extensive period of refurbishment. The research is divided into three time periods: before, during and after the refurbishment of the estate. We will speak to residents at each stage and report on their experiences of the programme of works. Our research is qualitative, focused around semi-structured interviews with residents. The questionnaire allows for residents to elaborate and expand in their responses and is organised around the following seven themes: how people feel about their homes; how people feel about Lancaster West and the wider neighbourhood; the sense of community on the estate; health; safety and security; energy use and sustainability; and the process and delivery of the estate refurbishment. This first stage report includes background research to provide the significant context of the process of refurbishment of Lancaster West and findings from interviews with 50 residents during the ‘before’ stage, including the co-design elements of the refurbishment. We also spoke to 15 stakeholders including representatives of central government departments, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC), Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team (LWNT) and the project partners, including the architects working on the project.
Paper Number CASEreport150:
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