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REF 2021
John Hills (1954-2020)
Cheryl Conner (1979-2024)
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Insecure lives and the policy disconnect
Children's needs and outcomes
Testing and demonstrating the value of the growing up in England (GUiE) dataset
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Material deprivation
Determinants, dynamics and policy implications of deep poverty
Dyadic longitudinal analysis of intergenerational exchanges
Valuing what matters: from efficiency to sufficiency
Policy review of child poverty solutions in selected countries
The challenge of ethnic wealth inequalities: Building understanding
Transition to adulthood in the UK in an intergenerational context
The needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people living in London
Understanding child poverty in migrant households in the UK
Debt, ethnicity and local area deprivation
Tackling London's problem debt
Family finances: What difference does cash support for children make?
Recent projects:
Social policies and distributional outcomes in a changing Britain
Improving the evidence base for understanding the links between inequalities and poverty
Intra-household allocation of resources
Is there a social consensus on a riches line?
Investigating inequalities facing young children of special educational needs and disabilities (SENDs)
Investigating the impact of the Health in Pregnancy Grant
Needs and entitlements: How UK welfare reform affects larger families
Inequalities in early education in England
LSE Housing and Communities
Welfare states: spending, policies and outcomes
Multidimensional poverty, inequality and capabilities
Childhood, early years and education
Social mobility and intergenerational transfers
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Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
Who we are
Research Impact
REF 2021
John Hills (1954-2020)
Cheryl Conner (1979-2024)
CASE Directors
All Research Staff
PhD Students and interests
CASE Administrative Staff
IT Staff
What we do
Current projects:
Insecure lives and the policy disconnect
Children's needs and outcomes
Testing and demonstrating the value of the growing up in England (GUiE) dataset
Multidimensional Inequality Framework
Material deprivation
Determinants, dynamics and policy implications of deep poverty
Dyadic longitudinal analysis of intergenerational exchanges
Valuing what matters: from efficiency to sufficiency
Child poverty solutions in selected countries
The challenge of ethnic wealth inequalities: Building understanding
Transition to adulthood in the UK in an intergenerational context
The needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people living in London
Understanding child poverty in migrant households in the UK
Debt, ethnicity and local area deprivation
Tackling London's problem debt
Family finances: what difference does cash support for children make?
Recent projects:
Social policies and distributional outcomes in a changing Britain
Improving the evidence base for understanding the links between inequalities and poverty
Intra-household allocation of resources
Is there a social consensus on a riches line?
Investigating inequalities facing young children of special educational needs and disabilities (SENDs)
Investigating the impact of the Health in Pregnancy Grant
Needs and entitlements: How UK welfare reform affects larger families
Inequalities in early education in England
LSE Housing and Communities
Welfare states: spending, policies and outcomes
Multidimensional poverty, inequality and capabilities
Childhood, early years and education
Social mobility and intergenerational transfers
Housing and communities
Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes
Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes:
Research Papers
Research Notes
Social Policy in a Cold Climate:
Research Reports
Working Papers
Research Notes
CASE Brookings Census Briefs
Census Briefs: International Reports
Welfare State Programme Discussion Papers
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Events Calendar
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Social Exclusion Seminars
Welfare Policy and Analysis Seminars
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Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
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Social Security in Developed Countries: Are There Lessons for Developing Countries? (Ch3 in Social Security in Developing Countries, E Ahmad, J Drèze, J Hills, A Sen (eds) (1991), Oxford University Press)
Social Security in Developed Countries: Are There Lessons for Developing Countries? (Ch3 in Social Security in Developing Countries, E Ahmad, J Drèze, J Hills, A Sen (eds) (1991), Oxford University Press)
Anthony B. Atkinson
John Hills
Published January
Paper Number WSP 038: