Events Calendar
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Events on or after 1 November 2020
Dafni Papoutsaki (Institute for Employment Studies)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Nicholas Treloar (The Runnymede Trust)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Moira Wallace (LSE)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Stephen Machin (CEP, LSE)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Abigail McKnight (CASE, LSE)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Abigail Marks (Newcastle University)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Various speakers
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Neil Chakraborti (University of Leicester)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Ava Kanyeredzi (University of East London)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Alice Bradbury (Institute of Education, University College London)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Sally Riordan (Education Observatory, University of Wolverhampton)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Eleanore Hargreaves (Institute of Education, University College London)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Ruth Lupton (University of Manchester)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Various speakers
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Praveetha Patalay (Centre for Longitudinal Studies and MRC Unit for Lifelong Health & Ageing at UCL)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Graham Atkins (Institute for Government)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Nancy Doyle (Genius Within)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Sally Tomlinson (Goldsmiths, University of London)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.
Orsolya Lelkes (CASE, LSE)
This event is both online and in person
SAL 3.05, 3rd Floor Conference Room, Sir Arthur Lewis Building, LSE, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PH
Frances McGinnity (Trinity College Dublin and the Economic and Social Research Institute)
ONLINE - Registration required. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the seminar.