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Polly Vizard and Polina Obolenskaya
David Cameron promised in 2010 to 'cut the deficit, not the NHS'. But how have the Coalition's policies - including health reforms which are widely viewed as going beyond election commitments - impacted on health?...Read more...
26 January 2015
The aim of this research report is to provide an overall evaluation of Labour’s record on health 1997-2010 as an input into the Social Policy in a Cold Climate research programme. The report summarises, brings together a...Read more...
30 June 2013
Carol Propper, John A. Rigg and Simon Burgess
There is emerging evidence to suggest that initial differentials between the health of poor and more affluent children in the UK do not widen over early childhood. One reason may be that through the universal public fund...Read more...
June 2005