Books (monographs, co-authored and edited volumes)
Cantillon, B., Goedemé, T. and Hills, J. (eds) (2018) Decent incomes for all: improving policies in Europe. Oxford University Press.
Hills, J. (2017) Good Times, Bad Times: the welfare myth of them and us. Revised edition. Policy Press.
Lupton, R., Burchardt, T., Hills, J., Stewart, K. and Vizard, P. (eds) (2016) Social Policy in a Cold Climate: policies and their consequences since the crisis. Policy Press.
Hills, J. (2014) Good Times, Bad Times: the welfare myth of them and us. Policy Press.
Hills, J., Bastagli, F., Cowell, F., Glennerster, H., Karagiannaki, E. and McKnight, A. (2013) Wealth in the UK: distribution, accumulation and policy. Oxford University Press.
Hills, J., Sefton, T. and Stewart, K. (eds) (2009) Towards a more equal society? Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997. Policy Press.
Hills, J., Le Grand, J. and Piachaud, D. (eds) (2007) Making Social Policy Work. Essays in honour of Howard Glennerster. Policy Press.
Hills, J. and Stewart, K. (2005) A More Equal Society? New Labour, poverty, inequality and exclusion. Policy Press.
Hills, J. (2004) Inequality and the State. Oxford University Press.
Hills, J., Le Grand, J. and Piachaud, D. (eds) (2002) Understanding Social Exclusion. Oxford University Press.
Fraser, N. and Hills, J. (eds) (2000) Public Policy for the 21st Century: social and economic essays in memory of Henry Neuburger. Policy Press.
Glennerster, H., Hills, J. and Travers, T. with Hendry, R. (2000) Paying for Health, Education and Housing: how does the centre pull the purse strings? Oxford University Press.
Glennerster, H. and Hills, J. (eds) (1998) The State of Welfare: the economics of social spending. Second edition. Oxford University Press.
Hills, J. (ed) (1996) New Inequalities: the changing distribution of income and wealth in the UK. Cambridge University Press.
Falkingham, J. and Hills, J. (eds) (1995) The Dynamic of Welfare: the welfare state and the life cycle. Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Hills, J., Ditch, J. and Glennerster, H. (eds) (1994) Beveridge and Social Security: an international retrospective. Clarendon Press.
Hills, J. (1991) Unravelling Housing Finance: subsidies, benefits and taxation. Oxford University Press.
E. Ahmad, J. Drèze, J. Hills and A. Sen (eds) Social Security in Developing Countries. Oxford University Press.
Barr, N., Coulter, F., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J., Glennerster, H., Hills, J. (ed), Le Grand, J., Low, W., Mullings, B., Winter, D. and Woolley, F. (1990) The State of Welfare: the welfare state in Britain since 1974. Oxford University Press.
Research reports
Vizard, P. and Hills, J. (2021) (eds) The Conservative Governments' Record on Social Policy from May 2015 to pre-COVID 2020: policies, spending and outcomes. Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes Overview Paper 01. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Hills, J., McKnight, A., Bucelli, I., Karagiannaki, E., Vizard, P., Yang, L., Duque, M. and Rucci, M. (2019) Understanding the Relationship between Poverty and Inequality: overview report. CASEreport 119. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Hills, J., Cunliffe, J., Gambaro, L., and Obolenskaya,P. (2013) Winners and Losers in the Crisis: The Changing Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK 2007-2010. Social Policy in a Cold Climate Research Report 02. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Lupton, R. with Hills, J., Stewart, K., Vizard, P. (2013) Labour's Social Policy Record: Policy, Spending and Outcomes 1997- 2010. Social Policy in a Cold Climate Research Report 01. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Sutherland, H., Evans, M., Hancock, R., Hills, J. and Zantomio, R. (2008) The impact of benefit and tax uprating on incomes and poverty. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J., Smithies, R. and McKnight, A. (2006) Tracking Income: how working families' incomes vary through the year. CASE report 32. London School of Economics.
Glennerster, H., Hills, J., Piachaud, D. and Webb, J. (2004) One Hundred Years of Poverty and Policy. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Sefton, T., Byford, S., McDaid, D., Hills, J. and Knapp, M. (2002) Making the Most of it: Economic evaluation in the social welfare field. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J. and Marsh, A. (2000) Housing Finance Aspects of the Green Paper. CASEreport 012. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Hills, J. and Richardson, L. (2000) View of the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal. CASEreport 011. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Hills, J. (2000) Reinventing Social Housing Finance. Institute for Public Policy Research.
Burchardt, T., Hills, J. and Propper, C. (1999) Private Welfare and Public Policy. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J. (1998) Income and Wealth: the latest evidence. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J., Mulgan, G., Piachaud, D. and Wilson, W.J. (1998) Welfare Reform: Learning from American Mistakes? CASEreport 3. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Hills, J. and Lee, A. (1998) New Cycles of Disadvantage? Report of a conference organised on behalf of ESRC for HM Treasury. CASEreport 1. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.
Burchardt, T. and Hills, J. (1997) Private welfare insurance and social security: Pushing the boundaries. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J. with Gardiner, K. and the LSE Welfare State Programme (1997) The Future of Welfare: A Guide to the Debate. Revised edition. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J. (1995) Inquiry into Income and Wealth Volume 2: A summary of the evidence. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
JRF Inquiry Group (1995) Inquiry into Income and Wealth Volume 1. Chaired by Sir Peter Barclay. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J., Atkinson, A.B., Glennerster, H. and Le Grand, J. (1993) Investigating Welfare: final report of the ESRC Welfare Research Programme. Welfare State Programme, London School of Economics.
Hills, J. with the LSE Welfare State Programme (1993) The Future of Welfare: A Guide to the Debate. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Hills, J. (1991) Thirty-nine Steps to Housing Finance Reform. Joesph Rowntree Foundation.
Fabian Taxation Review Committee (1990) The Reform of Direct Taxation. Fabian Society.
Hills, J., Berthoud, R. and Kemp, P. (1989) The Future of Housing Allowances. Policy Studies Institute.
Hills, J. (1988) Changing Tax: how the tax system works and how to change it. Child Poverty Action Group.
Hills, J. (1984) Savings and Fiscal Privilege. Institute for Fiscal Studies Report Series No.9. Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Ashworth, M., Hills, J., and Morris, N. (1984) Public Finances in Perspective. Institute for Fiscal Studies Report Series No.8. Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Articles in journals
Obolenskaya. P. and Hills, J. (2019) 'Flat-lining or seething beneath the surface? Two decades of changing economic inequality in the UK', Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 35 (3): 467–489.
Aaberge, R., Bourguignon, F., Brandolini, A., Ferreira, F., Gornick, J., Hills, J., Jäntti, J., Jenkins, S., Marlier, E., Micklewright, J., Nolan, B., Piketty, T., Radermacher, W., Smeeding, T., Stern, N., Stiglitz, J. and Sutherland, H. (2017) 'Tony Atkinson and his legacy', Review of Income and Wealth, 63 (3): 411-444.
Hills, J. (2011) 'The changing architecture of the welfare state', Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 27 (4): 589-607.
Sutherland, H., Hancock, R., Hills, J. and Zantomio, F. (2009) 'Failing to keep up?: the long-term effects of current benefit and tax uprating policies'. Benefits: the journal of poverty and social justice, 17 (1): 47-56.
Sutherland, H., Hancock, R., Hills, J. and Zantomio, F. (2008) 'Keeping up or falling behind? The impact of benefit and tax uprating on incomes and poverty', Fiscal Studies, 29 (4): 467-498.
Hills, J. (2008) 'Demographic trends and the future of pensions in the UK', Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol XXXVI, 166-190.
Hills, J. (2006) 'From Beveridge to Turner: demography, distribution and the future of pensions in the UK', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 169 (4): 663-679.
Hills, J. (2006) 'A new pension settlement for the twenty-first century? The UK Pensions Commission's analysis and proposals', Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22 (1): 113-132.
Hills, J. (2004) 'Heading for retirement? National insurance, state pensions and the future of the contributory principle in the UK', Journal of Social Policy, 33 (3): 347-271.
Hills, J. and Waldfogel, J. (2004) 'A 'third way' in welfare reform? Evidence from the UK', Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23 (4): 765-788.
Hills, J. (2002) 'Following or leading public opinion? Social security and public attitudes since 1997', Fiscal Studies, 23 (4): 539-558.
Hills, J. (2002) 'The welfare state in the UK: evolution, funding and reform', Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy, March special issue. National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.
Hills, J. (2002) 'Comprehensibility and balance: The case for putting indicators in baskets', Politica Economica, special issue on Atkinson report, 1: 95-98.
Hills, J. (2001) 'Inclusion or Exclusion? The role of housing subsidies and benefits', Urban Studies, 2001, Vol. 38 (11): 1887-1902.
Hills, J. (2000) 'The changing balance between public and private welfare: experiences in Britain', Journal of Welfare and Social Security Studies, National Insurance Institute, Israel. 57: 5-28 (in Hebrew).
Hills, J. (1999) 'The welfare state in the UK: evolution, funding and reform', Journal of Social Security Abroad, National Institute for Population and Social Security Research, Tokyo, 128: 76-98.
Gardiner, K. and Hills, J. (1999) 'Policy implications of new data on income mobility', Economic Journal, 109 (February): F91-F111.
Burchardt, T. and Hills, J. (1998) 'From public to private: The case of mortgage payment insurance in Great Britain', Housing Studies, 13 (3): 311-323.
Burchardt, T. and Hills, J. (1997) 'Shifting boundaries: Social security and private insurance', Benefits, September/October: 7-10.
Hills, J. (1995) 'Funding the welfare state', Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 11 (3): 27-43.
Hills, J. (1995) 'The Rowntree Income and Wealth Inquiry', Benefits, 13 (March/April).
Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J., Hills, J. and Le Grand, J. (1993) 'Welfare benefits in kind and income distribution', Fiscal Studies, 14 (1): 57-76.
Gardiner, K. and Hills, J. (1992) 'What price housing? Valuing “voluntary transfers” of council housing', Fiscal Studies, 13 (1): 54-70.
Hills, J. and Sutherland, H. (1991) 'The proposed Council Tax', Fiscal Studies, 12 (4): 1-21.
Hills, J. (1991) 'Distributional effects of housing subsidies in the United Kingdom', Journal of Public Economics, 44 (3): 321-352.
Hills, J., Hubert, F., Tomann, H. and Whitehead, C. (1990) 'Shifting subsidy from bricks and mortar to people: experiences in Britain and West Germany', Housing Studies, 5 (3): 147-167.
Fabian Society Taxation Review Committee (1990) 'Local taxation and the replacement of the poll tax', Local Government Studies, July/August: 79-93.
Hills, J. (1989) 'Counting the family wilver: the public sector's balance sheet 1957 to 1987', Fiscal Studies, 10 (2): 66-85.
Hills, J. (1984) 'Deep Discount Bonds – or how to get an interest-free loan', Fiscal Studies, 5 (3): 62-67.
Hills, J. (1984) 'Savings taxation: the Chancellor's “Middle Way”', Fiscal Studies, 5 (2): 45-56.
Hills, J. (1984) 'What is the public sector worth?', Fiscal Studies, 5 (1): 18-31.
Hills, J. (1983) 'Stamp duty on housing: amodern tax', Fiscal Studies, 4 (3): 75-80.
Hills, J. (1983) 'A co-operative and constructive relationship? The Treasury Response to its Select Committee 1979-82', Fiscal Studies, 4 (1): 1-13.
Hemming, R. and Hills, J. (1983) 'The reform of housing benefits', Fiscal Studies, 4 (1): 48-65.
Chapters in edited volumes
'Safeguarding social equity during fiscal consolidation: which tax bases to use?' In S. Princen and G. Mourre (eds) The Role of Tax Policy in Times of Fiscal Consolidation, European Economy Economics Papers, 502, European Commission, Brussels, 2013.
'Wealth inequality and accumulation', in Giuffrè Editore (ed.) 'Giordano dell'Amore' observatory series on the relationship between law and economics. Milan, Italy: Giordano dell'Amore. 2012.
'The distribution of welfare.' In: Alcock, Pete, Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret, (eds.) The student's companion to social policy, fourth edition. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 2012, pp. 187-194
'The distribution of welfare'. In: Alcock, Pete, Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret, (eds.) The student's companion to social policy, third edition. Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 2008.
'Social housing in the 21st century: four key issues that need urgent attention.' In Britain in 2008. Economic and Social Research Council, Swindon, UK, 2007. p. 95.
'Income, wealth, poverty and progress'. In: Utting, David, (ed.) Social advancement: a continuing search for change: essays celebrating the work of Richard Best, to mark his retirement as director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York, UK, 2007. pp. 75-96.
'Foreword: social housing in Europe'. In: Whitehead, Christine M E and Scanlon, Kathleen, (eds.) Social housing in Europe. London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London, U.K., 2007, p. 4.
'The Blair government and child poverty: an extra one percent for children in the United Kingdom', in I Sawhill (ed.) One Percent for the Kids: new policies, brighter futures for America's children, (Brookings Institution, 2004).
'The Case of Great Britain: Monitoring Poverty and Social Exclusion' in R Hauser et al (eds) Reporting on Income Distribution and Poverty (Springer, 2003).
'The distribution of welfare' in M. May et al (eds) The Students Companion to Social Policy, second edition (Blackwells, 2003).
'Public views of the equality agenda' in J. Wilson (ed.) Equality in Action: Equality in Work and Education. (Smith Institute, 2002)
'Poverty and Social Security: What rights? Whose responsibilities?' in R. Jowell et al (eds) British Social Attitudes, 18th report (Sage 2001).
'Redistribution, universality and inequality: commentary' in P. Alcock et al. (eds) Welfare and Well-Being: Essays by Richard Titmuss (Policy Press, 2001).
(with T. Burchardt) 'The changing balance between public and private welfare' in Putting Economics to Work: Volume in honour of Michio Morishima, (STICERD Occasional Paper 22, 2000).
(with O. Lelkes) 'Social Security: selective universalism and patchwork redistribution' in R. Jowell et al. (eds.) British Social Attitudes 15th Report (Ashgate, 1999).
'Beveridge and New Labour: Poverty then and now' in R. Walker (ed.) Ending child poverty: Popular welfare for the 21st Century? (Policy Press, 1999).
'Thatcherism, New Labour and the Welfare State' in H. Kastendiek and R. Stinshoff (eds.) New Labour: A turning point in British politics? (Philo, 1999).
(with T.Burchardt) 'Public expenditure and the public/private mix' (in M Powell, ed., New Labour: New welfare state, Policy Press, 1999).
'Housing, tenure and international comparisons of income distribution' (in European Integration and Housing Policy, M. Kleinman, W. Matznetter and M. Stephens, eds., Routledge, 1998).
'Die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates' (in Länderbericht Großbritannien, ed. H. Kastendiek, K. Rohe and A. Volle, Bonn: Bundeszentrale f ür Politische Bildung, 1998; second edition).
'Does income mobility mean that we do not need to worry about poverty' (in Exclusion, Employment and Opportunity, A B Atkinson and J Hills, eds., CASEpaper 4, January 1998).
'The distribution of welfare' (in The Student's Companion to Social Policy, P. Alcock, A. Erskine, M. May, eds., Blackwells, 1997).
'How will the scissors close?' (in Britain Divided: The growth of social exclusion in the 1980s and 1990s, A. Walker and C. Walker, eds., CPAG, 1997).
'The bridge that failed: The changing distribution of income and wealth in the UK', in H. Sasson and D. Diamond (Eds.), LSE on Social Sciences: A Centenary Anthology (LSE Books, 1996).
'Inequality: What does it mean for public policy?' (LSE Annual Review 1995, 1996).
'Does Britain have a welfare generation?' (In The New Generational Contract: Intergenerational relations, old age and welfare, A. Walker ed., UCL Press, 1996).
'Tax policy: Are there still options?' (in Options for Britain, D. Halpern et al. eds., Dartmouth; 1996).
'Die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates' (in Länderbericht Großbritannien, ed. H. Kastendiek, K. Rohe and A. Volle, Bonn: Bundeszentrale f ür Politische Bildung, 1994).
(with Alastair Jackson) 'Financing housing association major repairs and reimprovement: current problems and future strategies' (in Long term maintenance: The problems facing housing associations, National Federation of Housing Associations, London, September 1991).
'Housing Subsidies, Taxation and Benefits: An Overview' (in The Future of Housing Allowances by John Hills, Richard Berthoud and Peter Kemp, Policy Studies Institute, 1989).
'The Voluntary Sector in Housing: The Role of British Housing Associations' (in The Nonprofit Sector in International Perspective: Studies in Comparative Culture and Policy, edited by E. James, Oxford University Press, New York, 1989).
'Comment' on 'United Kingdom' by I.C.R Byatt (in World Tax Reform edited by Joseph A. Pechman, Brookings Institution, Washington DC, 1988).
(with A.B. Atkinson and J. Le Grand) 'The Welfare State' (in The Performance of the British Economy edited by R. Dornbusch and R. Layard, Oxford University Press, 1987).
'Public Spending and the Welfare State' (in The Growing Divide, edited by A. and C. Walker, London: Child Poverty Action Group, June 1987).
Budget Options for 1984: The IFS "Green Budget" (with M. Devereux and others; IFS Report Series No.7, London: IFS, February 1984).
'Public Assets and Liabilities and the Presentation of Budgetary Policy' (in Public Finances in Perspective, IFS Report Series No.8, 1984, London: IFS).
'The European Development Fund' (in Proposals for the Renegotiation of the Lome Convention, Catholic Institute for International Relations, September 1980).
Other publications
Cooper, K. and Hills, J. The Conservative Governments' Record on Social Security: Policies, Spending and Outcomes, May 2015 to pre-COVID 2020. CASE, Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes, SPDO research paper SPDORP10, 2021
Obolenskaya, P. and Hills, J. Flat-lining or seething beneath the surface? Two decades of changing economic inequality in the UK . CASE, Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes, SPDO research paper SPDORP04, 2019
'Labour's Record on Cash Transfers, Poverty, Inequality and the Lifecycle 1997-2010'. CASEpaper 175/ Social Policy in a Cold Climate Working Paper 05, CASE, London School of Economics 2013
(with Provan, B.) 'What did Labour really do for us?' LSE Connect. London School of Economics 2013
(with H.Glennerster)'Why the Left needs to take wealth seriously, again'. Juncture, Vol 20 Issue 1, Institute for Public Policy Research, June 2013
'Wealth inequalities have important consequences for people's own lives and those of their children'. LSE British Policy & Politics Blog, 22nd May 2013
(with Bastagli, F., Cowell, F.A., Glennerster, H., Karagiannaki,E., McKnight, A.)'Wealth distribution, accumulation and policy'. CASEbrief 33, The London School of Economics, 2013
(with Burchardt, T., Lupton, R., Stewart, K., Vizard, P.) 'Social Policy in a Cold Climate: A Framework for Analysing the Effects of Social Policy'. CASE, Social Policy in a Cold Climate Research Note 01, The London School of Economics, 2013
(with Bastagli, F) 'What Gives? Household Consumption Patterns and the 'Big Trade Off' with Public Consumption'. CASEpaper 170, London School of Economics, 2013
(with Bastagli, F.) 'Wealth accumulation in Great Britain 1995-2005: The role of house prices and the life cycle'. CASEpaper 166, The London School of Economics, 2012
(with Richards, B. ) 'Localisation and the means test: A case study of support for English students from Autumn 2012'. CASEpaper 160, The London School of Economics 2012
'Is your child going to University in a couple of years? It may be advantageous to take a few months off'. LSE British Policy and Politics Blog, 2nd May 2012
(with Richards, B.) 'Why next year's students could be facing a poverty trap'. In the Guardian Online, Wednesday 2nd May 2012
'Investigating Social Exclusion' in R. Berthoud and J. Burton (eds.) In Praise of Panel Surveys, ISER, University of Essex, 2008
'Why isn't poverty history?' Sociology Review Vol. 15, No. 3, January 2006
'Policies towards poverty, inequality and exclusion since 1997'. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Findings 0015, January 2005
'Az allami es maganszektor a joleti szolgaltatasokban 3, PM Kutatasi Fuzetek 8. Research Paper 8, Ministry of Finance, Budapest, 2004
'Inequality and the State'. CASEbrief 27, October 2004
Policy Matters. Financial Times, 22 October 2004
Review of R. Goodin et al. The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Economic Journal, June 2001
'How Labour is doing good by stealth for the poor'. Independent, 4 June 2001
'Measurement of income poverty and deprivation: The British Approach'. In CASEreport 13, February 2001
'Pluses and minuses of funding. Housing Today, 10 August 2000
'Taxation for the Enabling State'. CASEpaper 41, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, August 2000
'The Future of Poverty Research: Panel Session'. In Experiencing Poverty, ed. J. Bradshaw and R. Sainsbury, Ashgate, 2000
'A long wait for the end of poverty'. Financial Times, 21 March 2000
'A fuzzy view of housing'. Housing Today, 3 February 2000
'Social Exclusion in the UK: The state of current research'. In Social Exclusion Statistics, Conference Papers, Statistics Users Council, Esher
Social Exclusion, Income Distribution and Public Policy. Sir Charles Carter Lecture, Northern Ireland Economic Council, Report 129, April 1999
'Brown hint of a new deal for older workers'. Guardian, 8 February, 1999 (with T. Burchardt)
'A numbers game'. Housing Today, 21 January 1999
(with T. Burchardt) 'Setting a pattern for provision'. Managing Care, January 1999
(with T. Burchardt and C. Propper) 'Private welfare and public policy'. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Findings, January 1999
Thatcherism, New Labour and the Welfare State. CASEpaper 13, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, September 1998
(with T. Burchardt) 'Financial services and social exclusion'. Insurance Trends, July 1998
(with H. Glennerster) 'Lifting the lid on pot luck'. Guardian, 22 April 1998
'Income and Wealth: The Latest Evidence. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Social Policy Research Findings No 368, March 1998
'Including the excluded'. Financial Times, 18 March 1998
'A CASE for investigation'. LSE Magazine, Winter 1997
Review of Sheldon Danziger and Peter Gottschalk's America Unequal. British Journal of Sociology, September 1997
'Brown banks on a "seamless system"'. Financial Times, 23 May 1997
(with T. Burchardt) 'The boundary between public and private welfare: Three insurance case studies'. Insurance Trends, April 1997
(with T. Burchardt) 'The changing mortgage payment protection market'. Post Magazine, 1997
(with T. Burchardt) 'Mortgage payment protection: Replacing state provision?' Housing Finance, February 1997
(with T. Burchardt) 'Suffering in private'. Guardian, 26 February 1997
(with T. Burchardt) Private Welfare Insurance and Social Security. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Social Policy Research Findings No.111, February 1997
(with T. Burchardt) Policy Options: Private Welfare Insurance and Social Security. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Supplement to Social Policy Research Findings No.111, February 1997
'Income inequalities and welfare reforms'. Housing Corporation, Meeting the Needs of the Future: The housing implications of demographic, economic and social trends, 1996
'Can private insurers take over the British?' Parliamentary Brief, December 1995
(with K. Gardiner, J. Falkingham, V. Lechene and H. Sutherland) The Effects of Differences in Housing and Health Care Systems on International Comparisons of Income Distribution. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.110, June 1995
Data on Income and Wealth Distribution. Welfare State Programme Research Note No.28, February 1995
(with J. Falkingham) 'Profit and loss and the health bank'. Guardian, 15 March 1995
'Mind the gap'. Roof, March/April 1995
'We don't have to be so unequal' The Independent, 13 February 1995
'Who gains from the welfare state?' Economic Review, April/May 1994
'What future for welfare?' LSE Magazine, Spring 1994
Review of Deborah Mitchell's Income Transfers in Ten Welfare States. Journal of Social Policy, April 1993
(with H. Glennerster, J. Le Grand, et al) Investigating Welfare: Final report of the ESRC Welfare Research Programme. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.92, April 1993
(with J. Falkingham and C. Lessof) William Beveridge versus Robin Hood: Social security and redistribution over the life-cycle. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.88, March 1993
(with J, Falkingham and C. Lessof) 'Life's Rich Rewards'. Financial Times, 2 December 1992
Does Britain Have a 'Welfare Generation'? An Empirical Analysis of Intergenerational Equity. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No. 76, August 1992
(with M. Evandrou, J. Falkingham and J. Le Grand) The Distribution of Welfare Benefits in Kind. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.68, April 1992
'One and a half cheers for the Council Tax'. Roof, July/August 1991
(with H. Sutherland) Banding, tilting, gearing, gaining and losing: an anatomy of the proposed Council Tax. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.64, June 1991
Hedonic Price Indices for Housing Derived from the 1988 5 Per cent Survey of Building Society Mortgages. Welfare State programme Research Note No.21, May 1991
(with K. Gardiner and M. Kleinman) 'Voluntary transfers of council housing'. Housing Research Findings No. 34, May 1991
(with K. Gardiner and M. Kleinman) 'Making sure the price is right'. Housing, May 1991
(with K. Gardiner and M. Kleinman) Putting a price on council housing: valuing voluntary transfers. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.62, April 1991
From Right-to-Buy to Rent-to-Mortgage: privatisation of council housing since 1979. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.61, April 1991
'Untying the finance knot'. Roof, March/April 1991
(with H. Sutherland) The Ackroyds, the Osbornes and the Welfare State. Welfare State Programme Research Note No.23, March 1991
'Has the welfare state survived?' Family Policy Bulletin, March 1991
'Housing subsidies, benefits and taxation'. Housing Research Findings No.27, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, February 1991
'Conditional Response'. Roof, September-October 1990
'Medium Term Trends in Public Spending on Housing, in Proceedings of seminars on Medium Term Prospects for Public Expenditure, Public Finance Foundation, October 1990
'Brass Tax: A Strategy for Reform'. Poverty, Spring 1989
'Two old schemes tied together with red tape'. Roof, May-June 1989
'Hitting the Target'. Roof, September-October 1988
Twenty-First Century Housing Subsidies: Durable Rent-Fixing and Subsidy Arrangements for Social Housing. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.33, July 1988
'Ten Ways to Shake the Tax World'. New Statesman, February 1988
'Affordable Rents for NIHHA tenants', in Talking Back published by New Islington and Hackney Housing Association, January 1988
Finance for Housing Associations: A Response to the Government's Proposals. Welfare State Programme Research Note No.8, November 1987
Subsidies to English Local Authority Housing Since 1981. Welfare State Programme Research Note No.6, October 1987
Subsidies to Social Housing in England: Their Behavioural Implications. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.24, October 1987
'Public squalor and private affluence'. New Statesman, July 1987
'How to Get Better Value from Subsidy to Housing Associations'. Public Money, London: Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, June 1987
Tax Policy after the Election: What Would Change with the Government? LSE Financial Markets Group Special Paper No.10, London: LSE, June 1987
'Look out - It's High Tax Nigel!' New Statesman, March 1987
'Could Indexed Finance Mean More Fair Rent Housing?' Voluntary Housing, March 1987
When is a Grant not a Grant? The Current System of Housing Association Finance. Welfare State Programme Discussion Paper No.13, February 1987
A Simulation Model of Housing Association Finance. Welfare State Programme Research Note No.4, London School of Economics, February 1987
Pension Fund Tax Reliefs: Pot of Gold or Can of Worms? IFS Working Paper No.51, November 1984
Effective Rates of Capital Gains Tax. IFS Working Paper No.46, March 1984
Public Assets and Liabilities: Sources and Methods. IFS Working Paper No.44, February 1984