Panel Nonparametric Regression with Fixed Effects
Jungyoon Lee and Peter M Robinson
Published 25 November 2013
Nonparametric regression is developed for data with both a temporal and a cross-sectional dimension. The model includes additive, unknown, individual-specifi…c components and allows also for cross-sectional and temporal dependence and conditional heteroscedasticity. A simple nonparametric estimate is shown to be dominated by a GLS-type one. Asymptotically optimal bandwidth choices are justified for both estimates. Feasible optimal bandwidths, and feasi- ble optimal regression estimates, are asymptotically justifi…ed, with fi…nite sample performance examined in a Monte Carlo study.
Paper Number EM/2013/569:
Download PDF - Panel Nonparametric Regression with Fixed Effects
JEL Classification: C13; C14; C23