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STICERD Industrial Organisation Seminars

You Can Lead a Horse to Water: Spatial Learning and Path Dependence in Consumer Search

Charles Hodgson (Yale), joint with Greg Lewis

Monday 13 May 2024 15:00 - 16:30

Many of our seminars and public events this year will continue as in person or as hybrid (online and in person) events. Please check our website listings and Twitter feed @STICERD_LSE for updates.

Unless otherwise specified, in-person seminars are open to the public. Please ensure you have informed the event contact as early as possible.

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About this event

We develop and estimate a model of consumer search with spatial learning and path dependence. Consumers make inferences from previously searched objects to unsearched objects that are nearby in attribute space. The estimated model rationalizes patterns in data on online consumer search paths: search tends to converge to the chosen product in attribute space, and consumers take larger steps away from rarely purchased products. Eliminating spatial learning reduces consumer welfare by 12%: cross-product inferences allow consumers to locate better products in a shorter time. Spatial learning has important implications for the power of search intermediaries. We use simulations to show that consumer welfare can be significantly reduced by unrepresentative product recommendations. We characterize consumer-optimal product recommendations as those that are most informative about other products.

Industrial Organisation seminars are held on Mondays in term time at 16:00-17:30, in person in SAL 3.05, unless specified otherwise.

Seminar organiser: Alessandro Gavazza.

For further information please contact Sadia Ali:

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