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Hub for Equal Representation in the Economy - Grants

H.E.R. has allocated a special pot of funds to support PhD students' research and career development in this funding round.

These grants focus on economic research addressing issues faced by women and other underrepresented groups in the economy or supporting the career development of women and underrepresented groups in economics. Successful proposals will be funded up to £5,000.

Funding objectives could include (but are not limited to):

  • Fund action-oriented research on gender-transformative policies and interventions.
  • Develop researchers' expertise to conduct gender-transformative research.
  • Actions that support career development oin economics more broadly (e.g. organisation of conferences, networking & mentoring programmes, help for research dissemination, etc).

For all enquiries about the grants please contact Lubala Chibwe, LSE-Gates Hub Communications and Events Manager, email:

The deadline for the next round of applications is 10 February 2025.

For information on the grants please read the grants guidelines and fill in the online application form.

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Contact information
Website: Hub for Equal Representation