Online primers
Friedrich Hayek. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Entry |
The Essential Hayek, by Donald J. Boudeaux |
His life
Caldwell, B., & Klausinger, H. (2022). Hayek: A Life, 1899-1950. University of Chicago Press |
On methodology
Boettke, P. J., Coyne, C. J., & Leeson, P. T. (2014). Hayek versus the neoclassicists: lessons from the socialist calculation debate. In R. Garrison & N. Barry (Eds.), Elgar companion to Hayekian economics, (pp. 278-293). Edward Elgar Publishing. See online version |
Caldwell, B. (2004) Hayek's challenge: An intellectual biography of F A Hayek, University of Chicago Press |
On socialism
Lavoie, D. (1985). Rivalry and central planning: A re-examination of the debate over economic calculation under socialism. Mercatus Center |
Pennington, M. (2016). Hayek on socialism. In R. W. Garrison & N. P. Barry (Eds.), Elgar companion to Hayekian economics. Edward Elgar Publishing. |
On complexity and consturctivism
Butos, W. N., & McQuade, T. J. (2023). Hayekian Systems: Research Into the Structure of Social Interaction. Taylor & Francis |
Lewis, P. (2017). The Ostroms and Hayek as theorists of complex adaptive systems: commonality and complementarity. In The Austrian and Bloomington schools of political economy, (Vol. 22, pp. 35-66). Emerald Publishing Limited |
Weimer, W. B. (2022). Retrieving Liberalism from Rationalist Constructivism, Volume I: History and Its Betrayal. Palgrave Macmillan |
Weimer, W. B. (2022). Retrieving Liberalism from Rationalist Constructivism, Volume II: Basics of a Liberal Psychological, Social and Moral Order. Palgrave Macmillan |
On macroeconomics
Garrison, R. W. (1986). Hayekian trade cycle theory: a reappraisal. Cato J., 6, 437 |
Koppl, R., & Luther, W. J. (2012). Hayek, Keynes, and modern macroeconomics. The Review of Austrian Economics 25, 223-241. |
Hayek's economic thought
Boettke, P. J. (2018). F.A. Hayek: Economics, Political economy and Social philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan |
Feld, L. P., & Nientiedt, D. (2022). Hayekian economic policy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization204, 457-465 |
Hayek's political and social philosophy
Gaus, G. (2017). Hayekian "Classical" Liberalism. In J. Brennan, B. van der Vossen, & D. Schmidtz (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Libertarianism (pp. 34-52). Routledge. |
Horwitz, S. (2015). Hayek's modern family: classical liberalism and the evolution of social institutions. Palgrave Macmillan |
Kukathas, C. (1989). Hayek and Modern Liberalism. Oxford University Press |
Lewis, P. (2014). Hayek: from economics as equilibrium analysis to economics as social theory. In R. Garrison & N. Barry (Eds.), Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics (pp. 195-223). Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Tebble, A. J. (2016). Epistemic liberalism: a defence. Routledge |