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For further information about this series and for press inquiries please contact Lubala Chibwe, by email:
Yuko Katsuo
This paper analyses accounting accruals that may relate to earnings quality and its information content. The characteristics specifying earning quality are discussed according to research surveys of earnings quality. The...Read more...
April 2008
Masato Kimura and Peter von Staden
The paper by Masato Kimura seeks to clarify the contributions and limitations of Japanese business diplomacy by looking at the business mission to Britain and the US in 1921-22, and the Japanese Economic Mission to Europ...Read more...
March 2002
Masataka Matsuura and Richard J Smethurst
The paper by Richard J Smethurst discusses the influences that led to the economic policies pursued in the interwar period by Takahashi Korekiyo, who engineered Japan's recovery from the depression in the early 1930s, an...Read more...
February 2000
Peter N Davies and Kunio Katayama
Peter Davies in his paper outlines the major trends in the development of Japan's commercial shipping prior to World War I. The paper focusses in particular on the role played by the Japanese government, arguing that the...Read more...
December 1999
Sheldon Garon, edited by Janet Hunter, Barbara Molony, Werner Pascha and Ben-Ami Shillony
The four papers and comments in this volume deal with different aspects of the relationship between state and people in twentieth century Japan. Ben-Ami Shillony's paper is concerned with religious aspects of this relati...Read more...
March 1999
Tetsuro Nakaoka
Professor Tetsuro Nakaoka, formerly of Osaka University, and now of the Faculty of Management, Osaka University of Economics, gave a seminar on Japanese industrial development at the Suntory-Toyota Centre during 1992. Al...Read more...
January 1994
Masahiro Sato
Preface: Professor Masahiro Sato of the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, presented this paper at a special session of the joint LSE-SOAS seminar series 'Japanese Economy and Society in Comparative...Read more...
November 1990
Gordon Daniels, Janet Hunter and Ian Nish
Preface: Dr Gordon Daniels, Reader in History at the University of Sheffield, presented his paper on the Social History of Occupied Japan at a one-day workshop on the Teaching of Japanese Economic and Social History, hel...Read more...
July 1990
Michio Morishima
The market is a place where people behave quite relentlessly. If one person is selling a particular commodity at a higher price than others, no one will buy that commodity from him, however virtuous or merciful he is kno...Read more...
September 1989
Rachel Hall
Japan and England tend to approach education in quite different ways and often for different ends. Japan tends to see the direct economic benefit that accrues from an educated population and therefore places a great deal...Read more...
January 1987
In considering ideology and economic activity, ideology is defined as a system of beliefs which binds people together into a social grouping. This is synonymous with religion as defined by Durkheim (1912) and, as a defi...Read more...
January 1986
'Where feudalism ends, the capitalist regime commences.' This familiar and prima facie self-evident statement is the proposition which I want to examine in this paper. I would argue as follows: Even given the uniformity ...Read more...
In earlier times economists used to view the world in terms of dual economic models. For Marx the Asiatic mode of production(1) was the concept which was the counterpart of the Western feudalism from which the capitalist...Read more...
When Japan embarked upon her forced march to build a modern nation in 1868 the resource upon which she was most able to rely was her labour force. This was of a considerable size, and certainly not of a poor quality. Acc...Read more...
January 1985