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Taisuke Otsu and Mengshan Xu
We propose a one-to-many matching estimator of the average treatment effect based on propensity scores estimated by isotonic regression. The method relies on the monotonicity assumption on the propensity score function, ...Read more...
19 July 2022
Taisuke Otsu and Yoshiyasu Rai
Abadie and Imbens (2008) showed that the standard naive bootstrap is inconsistent to estimate the distribution of the matching estimator for treatment effects with a fixed number of matches. This article proposes an asym...Read more...
13 January 2015
Anila Channa and Jean-Paul Faguet
We review empirical evidence on the ability of decentralization to enhance preference matching and technical efficiency in the provision of health and education in developing countries. Many influential surveys have foun...Read more...
1 July 2012
Maitreesh Ghatak and Alexander Karaivanov
We analyze optimal contracts and optimal matching patterns in a simple model of partnership where there is a double-sided moral hazard problem and potential partners differ in their productivity in two tasks. It is possi...Read more...
February 2011
Bonsoo Koo and Oliver Linton
This paper proposes a class of locally stationary diffusion processes. The model has a time varying but locally linear drift and a volatility coefficient that is allowed to vary over time and space. We propose estimators...Read more...
August 2010
Leonardo Felli and Kevin Roberts
In an environment in which both buyers and sellers can undertake match specific investments, the presence of market competition for matches may solve hold-up and coordination problems generated by the absence of complete...Read more...
May 2001
Ben Lockwood and David de Meza
The standard property-rights theory of the firm assumes that prior to investing in human capital, team members meet and negotiate asset ownership. This paper endogenizes the event sequence in a matching model of market e...Read more...
December 1998