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Keyword: poverty measurement;
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Tammy Campbell and Polina Obolenskaya
This paper examines the existing literature on what the Free School Meals (‘FSM’) measure in the National Pupil Database (NPD) can proxy, and on ways in which the measure is used and understood. Through new empirical ana...Read more...
12 November 2021
Lin Yang
This paper examines how inequality from the interaction of income and housing circumstances changes the relative position of households in the income distribution, and influences the incidence and socio-demographic prof...Read more...
23 November 2018
This paper defines and maps the variety of different concepts and measures of poverty and inequality that have been developed and used in research. These reflect differing views of what constitutes a minimum acceptable q...Read more...
21 November 2017
Tania Burchardt and Rod Hick
Inequality has acquired a newfound prominence in academic and political debate. While scholars working with the capability approach have succeeded in influencing the nature of debate about the conceptualisation and measu...Read more...
13 January 2017
Kitty Stewart and Nick Roberts
This paper examines responses to a 2012-13 government consultation on child poverty measurement. It explores what these responses tell us about attitudes towards the child poverty indicators in the Child Poverty Act 2010...Read more...
14 July 2016
Rod Hick
The measurement of poverty as ‘consistent’ poverty offers a solution to one of the primary problems of poverty measurement within Social Policy of the last three decades. Often treated as if they were synonymous, ‘indire...Read more...
1 December 2012
Guillermo Cruces
This paper studies poverty as a dynamic phenomenon, motivated by the recurring economic crises that affect developing countries and the incidence of income fluctuations on household welfare. While the increasing availabi...Read more...
July 2005
Howard Glennerster
This paper discusses the contribution made by American social scientists to the study of poverty in the past twenty five years. It has three parts. The first concentrates on the measurement of poverty and the fact that t...Read more...
October 2000