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LSE Housing and Communities Event
The Great British Refurb Workshop

40% energy reduction in homes and communities by 2020 -
Can we do it?

Date: Tuesday 8th December 2009
Location: The Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE
Cost: £75 with reductions for second and subsequent delegates from the same organisation. Reductions available for those unable to pay the full registration fee.
Contact: Nicola Serle. Email: Tel: 020 7955 6684


The UK government has announced an ambitious programme to upgrade all our existing stock of 25 million homes by 2030, cutting at least 60% off our energy bills. This would involve upgrading 25,000 homes a week! Yet we are very far from putting in place either the advice, the funding or the technical support that is needed to householders to achieve this.

At the same time, the UN Copenhagen Summit looms and the UK Government has committed itself to cutting energy in the immediate future, 20% by 2020, and by more if other countries sign up. We know that energy saving in buildings will get us 50% of the way towards our target, and we know that energy saving in buildings is straightforward if only people know how.

These are the challenging topics we will be debating on the 8th December with leading government representatives, German experts, funding bodies and active practitioners. The workshop is supported by the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Department for Energy and Climate Change, The Grantham Institute for Climate Change, the World Wildlife Fund, the Existing homes Alliance, the Higher Education Innovation Fund 4 and the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion.
For further information please contact Nicola Serle at LSE by email or by calling 020 7955 6330.

News Posted: 11 November 2009      [Back to the Top]

Report Launch
Soup Runs in Central London: The right help in the right place at the right time?

This report - written by Laura Lane and Anne Power of LSE Housing and CASE - aims to provide an independent and objective perspective on soup runs in the London Borough of Westminster. A broad understanding of soup run has been used throughout - to include any mobile food distribution service operating primarily to serve the homeless within the borough.

The issue of soup runs in Westminster has become a contentious and controversial issue with strong advocates both for and against their operation. For some, soup runs are a valuable, life-saving resource that help to feed and support rough sleepers and other vulnerable people. For others, soup runs represent an outdated, poorly targeted and uncoordinated service that supports and sustains damaging street lifestyles. We wanted to find out whether and how soup runs in Westminster fitted into the commitment of the Government to provide 'the right help, in the right place at the right time'.

Soup runs in Central London:'The right help in the right place at the right time?' By Laura Lane and Anne Power, July 2009.

Read the executive report (in Adobe PDF)

Read the full report (in Adobe PDF)

News Posted: 10 July 2009      [Back to the Top]

Report Launch
Growing up in Social Housing in Britain: A profile of four generations 1946 to the present day

Ruth Lupton, Rebecca Tunstall, Wendy Sigle-Rushton, Polina Obolenskaya, Ricardo Sabates, Elena Meschi, Dylan Kneale and Emma Salter

The future role of social housing, and its contribution to life chances is currently the subject of much debate.  This new report, produced for the Tenant Services Authority, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Scottish Government, draws on four British birth cohort studies to provide a rich historical context for current policy proposals.
It describes social housing’s changing role for four generations of families since the second world war and explores the relationship between childhood housing tenure, family circumstances and later adult outcomes across five domains of life: health, well-being, education, employment and income.

The report was produced jointly by academics at CASE and the Institute of Education and launched on 18th June 2009 at the Chartered Institute of Housing Conference.

Link to the report.

News Posted: 24 June 2009      [Back to the Top]

The Guardian
In a fair state?

New Labour wanted the measure of its success to be whether it had made Britain a more equal society after 10 years in power. With the time up, John Hills, director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, marks its card.

This article appeared in The Guardian on 25th February 2009.

Link to the article

Related Links:
Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, Inequality and Policy since 1997, edited by John Hills, Tom Sefton and Kitty Stewart, The Policy Press, 2009.
News Posted: 25 February 2009      [Back to the Top]

Book Launch
Towards A More Equal Society? Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997

Edited by John Hills, Tom Sefton and Kitty Stewart.

When New Labour came to power in 1997, its leaders asked for it to be judged after ten years on its success in making Britain "a more equal society". As it approaches the end of an unprecedented third term in office, this book asks whether Britain has indeed moved in that direction.

The highly successful earlier volume A more equal society? was described by Polly Toynbee as "the LSE's mighty judgement on inequality". Now this second volume by the same team of authors provides an independent assessment of the success or otherwise of New Labour's policies over a longer period.

It provides:
  • consideration by a range of expert authors of a broad set of indicators and policy areas affecting poverty, inequality and social exclusion;

  • analysis of developments up to the third term on areas including income inequality, education, employment, health inequalities, neighbourhoods, minority ethnic groups, children and older people;

  • an assessment of outcomes a decade on, asking whether policies stood up to the challenges, and whether successful strategies have been sustained or have run out of steam; chapters on migration, social attitudes, the devolved administrations, the new Equality and Human Rights Commission, and future pressures.
The book is essential reading for academic and student audiences with an interest in contemporary social policy, as well as for all those seeking an objective account of Labour's achievements in power.

Book Launch

A special CASE Social Exclusion Seminar will be held on Wednesday 25th February (16:30 - 18:00) , R505 Michio Morishima Room 5th Floor, LSE Research Laboratory, to launch Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, Inequality and Policy since 1997 Booking is Essential. Please contact Anna Tamas, Email:, Tel: +44(0)20-7955-6562 to reserve a place.

Towards a more equal society? Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997
Edited by John Hills, Tom Sefton and Kitty Stewart.
Policy Press 2009

Paperback ISBN 9781847422019

Hardback   ISBN 9781847422026

Publication Date : 25 Feb 2009

News Posted: 18 February 2009      [Back to the Top]

Forthcoming Publications
Understanding the Finance of Welfare: What Welfare costs and How to Pay for it. 2nd Edition

Author: Howard Glennerster, Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Much has happened to the funding of social policy and the economy since the first edition of this book, especially in pensions and social care. In response, much of the book has been revised and all the figures and tables have been updated.

The second edition of this best-selling textbook begins by reviewing the range of ways in which basic human needs can be met and summarises in an accessible way the economic literature on why markets and even governments can fail in this respect.

The fully revised and updated edition of Understanding the Finance of Welfare
  • describes and assesses in detail the ways in which health care, personal social services, education, housing, pensions and social security are funded in the UK
  • in each case, the book contrasts the UK's position with funding arrangements in other advanced economies
  • is designed to fit the needs of social policy student syllabuses where it has become an essential text
  • is written by the leading and most highly respected academic in the field of social welfare.


Meeting basic human needs; Market failure and government failure; How to pay for social programmes? The tax constraint; Financing healthcare; Financing social care; Financing education; Financing income security; Financing housing; Rationing scarce resources: managing rising expectations; Do welfare states have a future?

Understanding the Finance of Welfare: What Welfare costs and How to Pay for it. 2nd Edition.
Howard Glennerster
Policy Press 2009

Paperback ISBN 978 1 84742 108 1   £21.99

Hardback   ISBN 978 1 84742 109 8   £65.00

New edition out : 2 Feb 2009

News Posted: 14 January 2009      [Back to the Top]