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Date: Thursday 1 December 2011
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: LSE campus, venue to be announced to ticketholders
Speakers: Iain Duncan Smith, Professor Jane Waldfogel, Professor Anne Power
Chair: Professor John Hills
The Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion tracked 200 families bringing up children in deprived neighbourhoods over ten years. The families told us a lot about their biggest worries and greatest needs. Streets and parks are unsafe; local facilities cost too much; energetic teenagers are not allowed to go further afield for fear of trouble so they often hang out on local streets. The thing families wanted most was for more for young people to do. Joblessness among low-skilled young people is extremely high in East London and other poor areas. Employers lose confidence and look for more highly qualified, more experienced and more privileged recruits, creating a vicious cycle for young people from troubled neighbourhoods. Families strive hard for their children, but young people need support. The riots this summer showed how fragile society’s hold is on community resilience, and how many parents fail to control or contain their young people. Most people brought to trial after the riots came from highly disadvantaged and fragmented urban communities.
Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, will talk about the importance of families to society; and explain how we can create better futures for our most disadvantaged children. Education, Sure Start for all ages, crime prevention, job training, outdoor space and youth activities all build community resilience.
Professor Jane Waldfogel from Columbia University, a specialist in family and child poverty; and Professor Anne Power, author of Family Futures, and Head of LSE Housing and Communities will respond.
For a transcript of Iain Duncan Smith's speech, please click here, and for a podcast of the event, please follow this link.
See photos from the event here.
News Posted: 01 December 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Location: London School of Economics
Date: Tuesday 8th November 2011
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Our desire for comfort and our drive for economic growth make it increasingly difficult to meet our energy demand without irreversibly damaging our environment. EU nations (in particular Germany, Scandinavia and Austria) have leapt far ahead of us in renewable energy. Everyone agrees that without massive energy saving, renewables will not work. This conference will present path breaking evidence on how to cut energy use in half and make renewables our biggest source of energy, looking at the complex technical problems of saving carbon, particularly in low income neighbourhoods. A full programme is available here
Session 1: Cutting Carbon Costs is not as easy as it sounds
- Anne Power, London School of Economics: Cutting Carbon Costs - learning from Europe here
- Paul Ekins, UCL: How Germany’s Green Investment Bank opens the door to change: KfW’s revolving reinvestment fund here
- Christian Stolte, DENA: Germany's ambitious energy saving targets – how are they delivered? here
Session 2: How energy saving works?
- Paul Ciniglio, Radian: Housing associations lead the field here
- David Adams, Willmott Dixon: Private building companies seize the chance here
- Russell Smith, Parity Projects: Closing the skills gap here
Session 3: How can we win the energy battle? Who pays? Who delivers?
- Dimitri Zenghelis, LSE and Cisco: Attracting green investment / underpinning green innovation here
- Paul King, UK Green Building Council: Zero Carbon Britain - no slides
Session 4: Keynote speech – The Dangers of ‘Wait and See’ – the urgency of climate change
- Professor Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern of Brentford), Chair of the Grantham Research Institute - transcript here
Session 5: Achieving the UK’s ambitious targets
- Phil Wynn Owen, DECC: Making the Green Deal work here
- Jon Bright, DCLG: Why homes and communities drive the big energy picture here
- John Hills, LSE: Fuel poverty: The problem and why it matters for climate change policy here
Key questions:
- Can renewable energy do enough quickly enough? What are the barriers?
- How can we combat fuel poverty?
- Will the new ‘Green Deal’ work?
- Will energy companies really help?
- Who will foot the bill?
- Why does retrofitting have a bad name?
- Why are renewables more fashionable than insulation?
- Is there such a thing as ‘magic wallpaper’?
- Can poor communities gain?
Leading speakers:
- Professor Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern of Brentford), Chair of the Grantham Research Institute
- Professor John Hills, Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion & leading an independent review of fuel poverty measurement for DECC.
- Mr Christian Stolte, Head of the Energy-Efficient Buildings Division, German Energy Agency (DENA)
- Jon Bright, Director, Homelessness & Support, Building Standards & Climate Change, DCLG
- Phil Wynn Owen, Director General, National Climate Change & Consumer Support
Who should attend?
- Local government officers
- Housing associations
- Planners
- Industry consultants and service suppliers
- Engineers
- Environmental organisations
- Transport groups
- Trade associations
- Financial institutions
- Renewable and other energy companies
- Community groups trying to tackle the problems of carbon use at a local level
Reports related to this event:
A new report by Anne Power and Monika Zulauf has been published by The Brookings Institution. Download the full report Cutting Carbon Costs: Learning from Germany's Energy Saving Program in Adobe PDF
and executive summary can be found here
The KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) Experience in the Reduction of Energy Use and in CO2 Emissions from Buildings: Operation, Impacts and Lessons for the UK a report by Mark Schröder, Paul Ekins and Robert Lowe (UCL Energy Institute, University College London) and Anne Power and Monika Zuklauf (LSE Housing and Communities, London School of Economics) and a brief summary is available here
For more information please contact: Nicola Serle tel: 020 7955 6684, email: n.serle@lse.ac.uk
To book online please go to www.eshop.lse.ac.uk or download the booking form
News Posted: 08 November 2011 [ Back to the Top]
From October 2011, CASE researchers are starting a major new programme of work to report on the impact of the recession, spending changes and the government’s social policy reforms on inequality and poverty in the UK. The research, entitled Social Policy in a Cold Climate, will cover the period 2007 to 2014, examining the distributional effects of spending increases in the last three years of Labour government and of the recession and the Coalition’s policy reforms and spending cuts. The work is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Nuffield Foundation and Trust for London, and will involve a team of researchers including Ruth Lupton, John Hills, Tania Burchardt, Kitty Stewart and Polly VIzard.
For more information, click here
News Posted: 20 October 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Professor John Hills published the interim report of his independent review of fuel poverty on 19 October 2011.
The report sets out:
- that fuel poverty is a serious and distinct problem affecting millions of people in England
- that measuring fuel poverty accurately matters
- that the existing definition of fuel poverty has some strengths but some serious weaknesses
- a new approach to measuring fuel poverty, based on the overlap between low income and unreasonable costs and a fuel poverty gap, shows how badly affected households are.
The report also includes questions for consultation. The consultation period closes on 18 November 2011. Details of how to respond to the consultation are set out in chapter 8 of the report.
The final report of the review will be published in 2012. It will focus on implications for policy-making and delivery.
News Posted: 19 October 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Date and Time: Tuesday 21st June, 9.30am-4.30pm
Morishima Conference Room (LRB505), 5th Floor, Lionel Robbins Building, London School of Economics, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HD
Programme and Presentations:
This workship is running in collaboration with CASE, LSE Housing and Communities, TSU Oxford, the ESRC and UKTRC:
Outline of Event:
The UK Transport Research Centre is an exciting new initiative to encourage leading social scientists to contribute their expertise to addressing the challenging problems facing the future development of transport and travel in the UK. UKTRC is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and is coordinating a programme of research, and a wide range of capacity building, knowledge transfer and engagement activities to facilitate greater dialogue between academics, practitioners, policy makers and the public.
As part of a range of activities which will take place under the UKTRC banner, LSE Housing and Communities based within the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) at LSE is running the third seminar of the series on housing and sustainable communities.
The workshop series is led by Dr Karen Lucas (from the Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford) and Professor Anne Power (from CASE at the London School of Economics). These workshops will be held every three months and each will focus on a different social issue that relates to the social impacts of transport and mobility that link social and transport policy. Each event will be led by a research institution with particular expertise in one of the areas.
Workshop 3 will explore:
- Inequality and the impact on disadvantaged communities of concentrated poverty
- Urban research related to poorer communities - international perspective
- Transport and accessibility problems as they affect:
- Employment opportunities
- Local environments
- Energy and transport costs
- Local service quality
- Integrating lower income communities into the wider city
- The role of public transport
- The role of social space and traffic taming
- The value of compact cities and density - the balance between mobility, choice and sustainability
If you are interested in finding out more about the workshop series generally, please contact karen.lucas@ouce.ox.ac.uk or go to http://www.tsu.ox.ac.uk/research/uktrcse/
News Posted: 21 June 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Date and Time: Tues 5th July 2011, 6.30-8pm, followed by an informal reception
Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, 54 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London School of Economics, London, WC2A 3LJ
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge Member of Parliament for Barking.
Anne Power, Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics.
Dr Katherine Rake Chief Executive, Family and Parenting Institute.
Jane Waldfogel, Professor of Social Work and Public Affairs at Columbia University School of Social Work and a visiting professor at the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics.
David Piachaud, Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics (Chair).
Podcast and Presentations:
Family futures is about family life in areas of concentrated poverty and social problems where surrounding conditions make bringing up children more difficult and family life more fraught and limited. Home and neighbourhood carry special meaning for families, because where they live, how they fit in with their neighbours, and how their children grow up all intertwine, to build a sense of community. This timely book, by acclaimed author Anne Power and her team, is based on a unique longitudinal study of over 200 families interviewed annually over the last decade. It answers three important questions in the words of families themselves:
- What challenges face families in poor areas?
- How are the challenges being met?
- Have government efforts helped or hindered progress over the past decade?
This event will have wide appeal to people who work with, live in and care about families and low-income areas.
Copies of the book can be purchased from Policy Press http://www.policypress.co.uk/
For further information about this event, please contact
News Posted: 26 May 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Date and Time: Tues 28th June 2011, 8.30am-12.00pm
Morishima Conference Room (LRB505), 5th Floor, Lionel Robbins Building, London School of Economics, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HD
David Halpern, Director of the Behavioural Insights Team in the Cabinet Office / No10, & Principal Advisor to the Office of Civil Society.
Julian Le Grand, Richard Titmuss Professor of Social Policy at the London School of Economics.
Anne Power, Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics
Bert Provan, Former Senior Civil Servant / Visitor in the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
Michael Pyner, Chief Executive, Shoreditch Trust & Deputy Chair, Locality
Caroline Slocock, Director of Civil Exchange & Advisor to the Early Action Task Force
Neil Stott, Chief Executive, Keystone Development Trust.
Programme and Presentations:
Many ideas about the 'Big Society' originate from the 19th Century when co-operatives, friendly societies and mutual aid were the survival strategies of the poor, underpinning families and communities in the face of harsh social conditions. In the current policy debates about how to compensate for essential cuts in public spending to reduce the current deficit, the 'Big Society' is supposed to help create stronger communities that can do more to help themselves without first turning to the state for help. In the 'Big Society', communities know how to organise local events and services, they are involved in running local schools, building and managing housing, raising funds for local causes and helping with children, families and young people in need of friendly, caring contact and support. This workshop will examine what mobilises communities to achieve social goals, looking at the critical roles of entrepreneurship, volunteering, co-operation and government.
Key questions:
- Is there something intrinsically co-operative about communities? Why is the idea of communities so lasting? Why does it recreate itself in so many forms?
- Why is the idea of profit-sharing activity common across different organisations, cultures, political perspectives and parties? If it is so common, why does it not happen more often?
- With the current climate change pressures and resource constraints, how can community activity and co-operative forms of organisation build great resilience?.
Who should attend:
- Community based groups
- Neighbourhood management organisations
- Tenant management organisations
- Groups interested in common ownership and in the development of worker based mutuals and co-operatives
- Educational establishments
- Local authorities
- Housing associations
- Health groups
- NGOs
- Churches and faith organisations
- Political and other associations
- Industrial and Provident Societies
- Anyone interested in how society works and how to make it work better
For further information about this event, please contact
'Community Assets and the Big Society - who carries the cost? ' is sponsored by the LSE HEIF 4 Bid Fund:
News Posted: 26 May 2011 [ Back to the Top]
A new report by Anne Power and Monika Zulauf has been published by The Brookings Institution
Download the full report Cutting Carbon Costs: Learning from Germany's Energy Saving Program in Adobe PDF
Download the executive summary here
Energy shortages, unpredictable and high energy prices, waste, pollution, and fears of climate
change all drive a sense of urgency in the West about reducing its energy dependence on
unreliable sources. Europe imports over half its total energy from volatile producers around the
globe. While the United States is able to meet somewhat more of its energy demand from
domestic sources, its per capita energy consumption level is twice that of Europe's.
- The cheapest and most cost-effective path to greater energy security is energy saving, and the
biggest, most certain place to do that is in our built environment, which in developed Western
countries uses half of all energy and generates half of all greenhouse gases. Most of this energy
usage is wasted by leaking out through walls, windows, roofs, floors, doors, and through
inefficient equipment.
- All members of the European Union (27 countries) have adopted highly ambitious production
targets for renewable energy, and equally ambitious reduction targets for CO2 emissions, down
at least 20 percent from 1990 levels.
- Germany is leading the way in developing "green" technologies and has the most ambitious
energy-saving program in Europe, aiming for a 30 percent reduction in energy usage by 2020,
and a 30-percent renewable energy share, consisting mainly of biomass, wind, and solar.
- Germany's energy saving program is based on three pillars:
- A clear legal framework and tight regulation at the national level, requiring energy
efficiency upgrades to buildings and increased use of renewable energy sources among
electricity providers;
- Strong financial incentives through subsidies and loans to reduce energy consumption in
the built environment at all levels of government (at the national level, these are
provided via a public investment bank sponsored by the German government); and
- Information, promotion, and behavior change, working through regional and local
bodies, developing enforceable standards through Energy Performance Certificates, and
supporting model projects all over Germany.
- Since 2006, Germany has created nearly half a million new jobs in renewable energy, and over
four years, around nearly 900,000 jobs in retrofitting homes and public buildings, such as
schools. Green investment, new green technology development, and renewable energy exports
are all major growth areas in Europe's strongest economy. By having taken these steps,
Germany remains on track to meet aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets by 2020 and
- Germany's experience - its successes and lessons learned - provide a solid evidence base from
which nations like the United States can "leapfrog" Europe, and tackle even more pressing
energy and climate change demands through deliberate public and private action.
Download the full report Cutting Carbon Costs: Learning from Germany's Energy Saving Program in Adobe PDF
Download the executive summary here
News Posted: 13 May 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Mark Schröder, Paul Ekins and Robert Lowe (UCL Energy Institute, University College London) and Anne Power and Monika Zuklauf (LSE Housing and Communities, London School of Economics)
The widespread devastation of the German housing stock at the end of the Second World War resulted in the creation, as part of the Marshall Plan, of a remarkable bank: the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). The bank proved a most effective vehicle for lending, recovering and re-lending Marshall Plan funds for the reconstruction of German infrastructure and buildings. In subsequent decades the bank expanded and diversified its activities.
The UK has a number of new policy initiatives related to the improvement of home energy efficiency, including the Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and, less directly, the Green Investment Bank. While the particular history and experiences of KfW mean that its approaches to home energy efficiency could not be transferred directly to the UK, nevertheless a comparison between conditions in the two countries shows that there are a number of important lessons from the activities of KfW that are relevant to what the UK is hoping to achieve.
The Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Investment Bank are all welcome new policies in the right direction. But on the basis of the KfW experience, they do not go far enough on any of the key dimensions: the regulatory framework, the level of the financial incentive or the clarity of the message about integrating home energy efficiency and micro-generation using renewables for both electricity and heat. More will need to be done. In considering this, much can be learnt from what the KfW bank has achieved, how it has achieved it, and the overall policy framework that has supported these achievements.
The full report can be downloaded in Adobe pdf, and a brief summary is available here
News Posted: 01 May 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Obstacles and Opportunities is a short report based on what 200 parents told us over a ten year period of visiting them in their homes in low-income urban areas. We have produced three books based on this research: EastEnders: Family and Community in Urban Neighbourhoods; City Survivors: Bringing Up Children in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods; and Family Futures: Childhood and poverty in urban areas (to be published by Policy Press in July 2011). The research that went into the three books informs this report but here we pull together a unique body of evidence and quotations. The particular focus of this report is on the opportunities and obstacles facing children and young people growing up in disadvantaged areas and the struggles of parents to overcome these barriers and build a better future for their families. We hope that this report will underline the sense of urgency about providing more, not less, for children and young people in disadvantaged areas. For these areas are still remarkably different from the average and the future of our society hinges on them becoming more equal and more integrated.
The report is written by Anne Power, Nicola Serle, and Helen Willmot and is now available to download in Adobe PDF format.
News Posted: 11 April 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Date and Time: Wednesday 30th March 2011
Location: National Communities Resource Centre, Trafford Hall, Chester
Trafford Hall Website: www.traffordhall.com
This event is sponsored by the LSE HEIF 4 Bid Fund, and CASE
Obstacles and Opportunities is a short report based on what 200 parents told us over a ten year period of visiting them in their homes in low-income urban areas.
The report is written by Anne Power, Nicola Serle, and Helen Willmot and is now available to download in Adobe PDF format.
Summary of the event:
How do disadvantaged families overcome educational handicaps and uncover opportunities for their children to progress? This workshop will mark the launch of a new report from LSE Housing and Communities: Obstacles and Opportunities which discusses changing neighbourhood conditions, community and family life, educational hurdles and children's needs. In this workshop we want to explore key findings on social capital, children's services and crime prevention; and we would love you to join us for this challenging event.
Children's and young people's experiences of school, training and work reveal what helps and where the gaps are. The workshop will include sessions on:
- schools and education;
- physical and mental wellbeing;
- children's services and supports, particularly early years and families;
- youth, crime and anti-social behaviour linked to play, open space and leisure;
- work, training opportunities and poverty;
- social capital and community volunteering.
We will discuss the way cutbacks will affect disadvantaged communities and what can be done to close the gaps in society that are widening.
The National Communities Resource Centre provides training and support to thousands of residents and frontline organisations in low-income communities across the country to develop 'know-how', confidence and practical ideas for positive action within their local communities. It is the ideal base for our workshop because of its long-run Family Learning and Playing 2 learn programmes. Our workshops at Trafford Hall attract a wide range of policy and practice leaders, alongside community representatives, which bring together real expertise and experience.
Who should attend:
- neighbourhood management organisations
- local authorities
- housing associations
- schools and education professionals
- faith groups
- humanities researchers
- social scientists
- government officials
- think tanks
- community groups and residents
- social workers
- other local organisations / individuals working with families, children and young people in low-income areas
For further information about this event, please contact
News Posted: 09 March 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Between January and March 2011 CASE is running a special series of Social Exclusion Seminars exploring early directions in Coalition social policies and their likely impact on poverty, inequality and social exclusion. The series features some of the most up-to-date research modelling likely impacts. Seminars take place on Wednesdays from 4.30 to 6.00pm, and are free. No booking is required. For the programme and more details, please see below. We look forward to welcoming you to these events
26th January |
The Distributional Impacts of the 2010 Spending Review Speakers: Tim Horton (Fabian Society)
Howard Reed (Landman Economics) |
9th February |
Housing and Planning Policy: Increasing Housing Supply? Speaker: Christine Whitehead
(LSE) |
2nd March |
Poverty Projections 2010-2013 and the longer term impact of Universal Credit Speakers: Mike Brewer and Robert Joyce (Institute for Fiscal Studies) |
16th March |
How will the Coalition's Social Policies affect London?
A joint event with LSE London and the Greater London Authority
James Browne (Institute for Fiscal Studies) on the regional impact of tax/benefit reforms;
Alex Fenton (Cambridge) on the spatial impact of Housing Allowance changes;
Matthew Waite (GLA) on the London labour market; and
Peter Kenway (New Policy Institute) on London's poverty profile.
This event will take place from 3.00-6.00pm in Room CLM 502 |
Seminars (except 16th March) are held in the Michio Morishima Conference Room (LRB 505),
5th Floor, Lionel Robbins Building, Portugal Street, LSE [ See Map]
RESERVATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED but for further information contact:
Eleni Karagiannaki (020 7955 6697) e.karagiannaki@lse.ac.uk - OR -
Ruth Lupton (020 7849 4910) r.lupton@lse.ac.uk
News Posted: 19 January 2011 [ Back to the Top]
Date and Time: Tuesday 15th February 2011
Location: National Communities Resource Centre, Trafford Hall, Chester
Trafford Hall Website: www.traffordhall.com
This event is sponsored by the LSE HEIF 4 Bid Fund, EAGA and by British Gas.
Summary of the event:
Reinvestment in the existing urban infrastructure within communities will help the UK reduce CO 2 emissions and become more sustainable. This has many benefits including tackling fuel poverty, re-linking poorer existing communities with wider city networks, combating sprawl and enhancing community inclusion. Households don't exist as islands - many of the wider infrastructure problems of waste, water, energy, transport have to be tackled at community level along with crime, security, green spaces, traffic calming and social integration. Many key questions are yet to be answered:
- How can we supply sustainable, renewable energy at community level?
- How can we reduce energy demand?
- How can we conserve water and reduce waste to zero?
- How can we make existing places so attractive that greenfield building becomes an even smaller goal?
The Sustainable Development Commission, with backing from CLG, DECC and the HCA carried out a fascinating study, showcasing learning from over 80 model community projects around the UK.
LSE Housing and Communities will host this productive workshop to discuss the successes and difficulties communities face in developing greater resilience, given the localism agenda and the energy imperatives confronting us. Many social landlords are paving the way in addressing community infrastructure needs and this workshop will tap into the latest knowledge and experience of those working around the UK on community level renewal , and will push forward the beacon ideas that arose from the SDC study, looking at how the voluntary, and community sector can contribute alongside policy makers and practitioners in a climate of austerity, energy uncertainties and social pressures. We hope to develop an action plan of what needs to happen next.
The workshop will be practical, delivery-orientated and focused on the importance of local upgrading of neighbourhoods across the UK. It will consolidate current knowledge, and develop and present detailed case studies to show the relevance and potential of the Community Infrastructure Reinvestment approach. It is particularly timely with the government's strong focus on neighbourhoods and devolution of control.
Specific questions to be addressed at the workshop include:
- Why is community infrastructure so vital to our survival and so important to energy saving?
- What are the core ingredients of community infrastructure? What sustains a sense of place?
- How can we adapt community infrastructure to current environmental and social need? What role can communities play?
- What practical policy options do local authorities, housing associations, energy companies and government have?
Who should attend:
- energy companies
- environmental organisations
- builders
- neighbourhood management organisations
- local authorities
- housing associations
- sustainable transport groups
- schools
- churches
- humanities researchers
- social scientists
- government officials
- think tanks
- community groups and residents
- other local organisations targeting low-income areas that stand to gain from community infrastructure reinvestment
For further information about this event, please contact
News Posted: 14 January 2011 [ Back to the Top]