Ludovica joined the Department of Sociology, University of Tübingen as a postdoctoral researcher in 2020. She is a quantitative social scientist, with a broad research interest in the design, delivery and effects of social policies in relation to poverty and inequality. Her work has focused in particular on two areas: 1) inequalities in childhood, and the way they may relate to social policies affecting family and education services, housing and neighbourhoods; 2) gender inequalities in the labour market, and in particular the institutional mechanisms that contribute to the (low) monetary rewards attached to care occupations. She previously held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship at the German Institute for Economic Research and research positions at UCL (University College London) and LSE (London School of Economics). She obtained a PhD in Social Policy from the LSE, an MPA also from the LSE and a degree in Economics from Bocconi University.
Ludovica Gambaro's current research interests are:
- Early childhood education and care services
- Family policy
- Labour market and skills formation
- Social care provision
Ludovica's latest projects include:
- Segregation of early years settings: patterns, drivers and outcomes.
- Early childhood education and care: improving quality AND affordability