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Staff type: All Research Staff

63 results found.

Eileen Alexander
Eileen Alexander
CASE Associate and LSE Fellow in Qualitative Methodology, Department of Methodology

Mario Battaglini
Mario Battaglini
CASE PhD Student

Ellie Benton
Ellie Benton
CASE Research Assistant, LSE Housing and Communities

Thomas Biegert
Thomas Biegert
CASE Associate and Assistant Professor of Social Policy, LSE

Expertise: labour markets; inequality; welfare state; social security

Nicola Brimblecombe
Nicola Brimblecombe
CASE Associate and Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre

Caroline Bryson
Caroline Bryson
CASE Visiting Senior Fellow

Irene Bucelli
Irene Bucelli
CASE Research Officer

Tania Burchardt
Tania Burchardt
Associate Director of CASE, Deputy Director of STICERD, and Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy at LSE

Expertise: Theories of justice; capability approach; measurement of inequality; applied welfare policy analysis

Tammy Campbell
Tammy Campbell
CASE Visiting Senior Fellow

Kerris Cooper
Kerris Cooper
CASE Visiting Senior Fellow

Expertise: poverty and disadvantage; income and child development; income and adult well-being; economic hardship, maternal mental health and parenting; parenting policy and welfare reform

Frank Cowell
Frank Cowell
CASE and STICERD Associate, and Professor of Economics

Jakob Dirksen
Jakob Dirksen
CASE PhD Student

Daniel Edmiston
Daniel Edmiston
CASE Research Fellow

Leon Feinstein
Leon Feinstein
CASE Visiting Professor

Ludovica Gambaro
Ludovica Gambaro
CASE Visiting Fellow and Postdoctoral researcher, BIB Federal Institute for Population Research

Howard Glennerster
Howard Glennerster
CASE Visiting Professor and Emeritus Professor of Social Policy

Expertise: NHS resource allocation; economics; education; funding social services; public expenditure; social policy; training

Ian Gough
Ian Gough
CASE Visiting Professor

Susan Harkness
Susan Harkness
CASE Visiting Professor

Aapo Hiilamo
Aapo Hiilamo
CASE Visiting Fellow

Expertise: Child poverty, financial hardship; debt; public health; ageing; mental health; longitudinal analyses; Europe

Ceri Hughes
Ceri Hughes
CASE PhD Student

Expertise: skills; devolution; poverty; welfare; work

Aleksandra Jadach-Sepiolo
Aleksandra Jadach-Sepiolo
Visiting Senior Fellow

Expertise: Urban regeneration and housing

Stephen Jenkins
Stephen Jenkins
CASE Associate and Professor of Economic and Social Policy, Department of Social Policy, LSE

Expertise: inequality; poverty; labour markets; micro data; econometrics; stata

Eleni Karagiannaki
Eleni Karagiannaki
CASE Assistant Professorial Research Fellow

Expertise: Poverty; Income and wealth inequality; Intergenerational transfers; Intergenerational mobility; Household economics

Bruce Katz
Bruce Katz
CASE Visiting Professor in Practice

Sophie Kedzior
Sophie Kedzior
CASE Research Officer

Expertise: Systematic Reviews; Health Equity; Adolescent Health; Reproductive Health; Public Health; Sexual Behaviour; Human Sexuality; Sex Education; Qualitative Methods;

Rana Khazbak
Rana Khazbak
CASE Visiting Fellow

Martin Knapp
Martin Knapp
CASE Associate and Professor of Health and Social Care Policy, Professorial Research Fellow (CPEC), LSE

Expertise: community care policy; dementia

Laura Lane
Laura Lane
CASE Research Officer, LSE Housing and Communities

Francesco Laruffa
Francesco Laruffa
CASE Visiting Fellow

Julian Le Grand
Julian Le Grand
CASE Associate and Professor of Social Policy, LSE

Neil Lee
Neil Lee
CASE Associate and Professor of Economic Geography, Department of Geography, LSE

Expertise: economic geography

Ruth Lupton
Ruth Lupton
CASE Visiting Professor and Honorary Professor at the University of Manchester

Lindsey Macmillan
Lindsey Macmillan
CASE Visiting Professor and Professor of Economics, Director of the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) at UCL Institute of Education

Liz Mann
Liz Mann
CASE Associate and ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow

Expertise: wealth inequality; income inequality and poverty

Frances McGinnity
Frances McGinnity
CASE Visiting Senior Fellow

Abigail McKnight
Abigail McKnight
Director of CASE and Associate Professorial Research Fellow

Polina Obolenskaya
Polina Obolenskaya
CASE Visiting Fellow and Research Fellow in Sociology, Violence & Society, City University

Berkay Ozcan
Berkay Ozcan
CASE Associate and Professor of Social and Public Policy, Department of Social Policy, LSE

Expertise: family demography; gender; fertility; labour market; inequality

Abigail Page
Abigail Page
CASE PhD Student

Ruth Patrick
Ruth Patrick
CASE Visiting Professor

David Piachaud
David Piachaud
CASE Visiting Professor and Emeritus Professor of Social Policy and India Observatory Associate

Ilona Pinter
Ilona Pinter
CASE Research Assistant

Lucinda Platt
Lucinda Platt
CASE Associate and Professor of Social Policy and Sociology, Department of Social Policy, LSE

Expertise: migration; ethnicity; poverty; inequality; social mobility; disability; child wellbeing; gender; identity; longitudinal research

Anne Power
Anne Power
Emeritus Professor of Social Policy and Head of LSE Housing and Communities

Expertise: communities; housing; cities; sustainable development; neighbourhoods

Bert Provan
Bert Provan
CASE Senior Policy Fellow

Elizabeth Richardson
Elizabeth Richardson
CASE Visitor and Professor of Public Administration at the Institute for Political and Economic Governance, University of Manchester

Ingrid Robeyns
Ingrid Robeyns
CASE Visitor

Charlotte Rogers
Charlotte Rogers
CASE Research Assistant

Ruby Russell
Ruby Russell
CASE Research Assistant

Kath Scanlon
Kath Scanlon
CASE Associate and Distinguished Policy Fellow at LSE London

Expertise: housing finance; housing policy; urban policy

Amanda Sheely
Amanda Sheely
CASE Associate and Assistant Professor in Social Policy, LSE

Expertise: welfare reform; social assistance; lone mothers; low wage employment

Isabel Shutes
Isabel Shutes
CASE Associate and Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy, LSE

Expertise: migration; citizenship; social rights; work and care; inequalities

Wendy Sigle
Wendy Sigle
CASE Associate and Professor of Gender and Family Studies, Gender Institute, LSE

Expertise: feminist quantitative research; stratification; family and social policy

Thomas Stephens
Thomas Stephens
CASE PhD student

Kitty Stewart
Kitty Stewart
Associate Director of CASE and Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy, LSE.

Expertise: poverty; social security; early childhood policy; inequality

Ellie Suh
Ellie Suh
CASE Visiting Fellow

Expertise: money; savings; retirement; inequality

Kate Summers
Kate Summers
CASE Associate and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Methodology, LSE

Expertise: interviews; focus groups; participatory approaches; thematic analysis

Joel Suss
Joel Suss
CASE Visiting Fellow

Expertise: behavioural science; economic inequality; quantitative methods

Becky Tunstall
Becky Tunstall
CASE Associate Professorial Research Fellow

Expertise: Housing and communities

Milo Vandemoortele
Milo Vandemoortele
CASE PhD Student

Polly Vizard
Polly Vizard
CASE Associate Director and Associate Professorial Research Fellow

Jane Waldfogel
Jane Waldfogel
CASE Visiting Professor and Professor of Social Work and Public Affairs, Columbia University School of Social Work

Moira Wallace
Moira Wallace
CASE Visiting Professor of Practice