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Education and social exclusion

Led by: Abigail McKnight.

Research Team: Simon Burgess, Robert Cassen, Howard Glennerster, Graham Hobbs, Ruth Lupton, and Carol Propper.

The inter-relationship between low levels of education and social exclusion has been highlighted throughout much of the research which has been conducted at CASE. Understanding this interrelationship is one of the main keys to understanding the process of social exclusion and a major route through which government policy can tackle social exclusion. Education appeared in several separate parts of CASE's research in its first five years. In the second phase we are bringing these issues together more systematically, but still spanning disciplinary approaches, different data sources and kinds of analysis (quantitative and qualitative). Two over-arching themes which we aim to address in this area are access and quality. Research will build on previous work looking at school resource issues in disadvantaged areas, the importance of school quality for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, access to 'good schools' and post-16 education. We are also continuing our assessment of the progress in educational achievement particularly focusing on poor areas and under-performing schools, the extent of ethnic segregation and the impact of parental choice.

Research projects make use of a range of data, such as the birth cohort studies, BHPS, and 12 Areas Study, and are supplemented with administrative and survey data on school performance and further and higher education.

A new project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Sutton Trust is led by Robert Cassen. Its focus is on the reasons for low achievement in schools applying multi-level analysis using the PLASC dataset, information on schools, LEAs and Census material. Professor Cassen is working with Drs Kirsty McNay and Geeta Kingdon, both at Oxford University.

Associated CASEpapers:CASEpaper 50, CASEpaper 54, CASEpaper 76, CASEpaper 79, CASEpaper 101, CASEpaper 105, CASEpaper 118