London School of Economics Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) LSE
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE)

City Reformers Group: September 2007

Feedback from meeting

Sorry that I didn't get a chance to thank you both for inviting me to join your City Reformers group. I thoroughly enjoyed the two days - very full, but also very well organised. For me, a real opportunity to find out what actually happens on the ground - both here and in other countries - and more importantly to meet a such a range of committed individuals. Look forward to seeing you soon - and to seeing the work as it continues.

Gareth ARTHUR, Housing and Urban Team, HM Treasury

J'ai trouvé notre meeting très intéressante.

Rémi DORMOIS, Responsable du pole Habitat, Développement Économique et Social, Epures Urban Planning Agency, Saint-Etienne

J'ai su par Sébastien CHAMBE que votre session londonienne des 19-21 sept. avait été un franc succès.

Jean-François DERAL, Responsable du Service de Renouvellement Urbain, Ville de Saint-Etienne

Hello everybody from the Weak Market Cities team.  It's me who has to thank you so much for the invitation, the perfect organization, the interesting meeting and the courtesy and kindness of all the participants, and of you first!

I'm happy that my modest participation helped you in your work in some way though I admit that the main work had already been done by Astrid and your group...The only thing you miss is coming here to Apolié and seeing it with your own eyes! The association would be happy to welcome you here, whenever you want!

Anna CASELLA and the Apolié team, Associazione Apolié, Torino

Sono io che devo ringraziarvi di avermi invitato al City Reformers Group Meeting, che è stato davvero interessante e un’occasione di riflessione e di confronto per me molto utile.

Elisa ROSSO, Director, Associazione Torino Internazionale

    Thank you for the fantastic Canning Town tour.  It is a huge task and we hope that you can return at various points to see how we are getting on.

It was a pleasure to meet such a diverse and interesting group and learn a bit over lunch about the American model

Shona POLLOCK, Project Officer, Canning Town and Custom House Regeneration Project Officer

Vorrei veramente dirvi grazie per l'attenzione, l'impegno e la disponibilità dimostrate nei confronti del lavoro svolto qui a Torino in questi anni, vorrei dirvi anche un altro e più grande grazie per l'amicizia, la considerazione e lo spirito di collaborazione che avete dimostrato nei miei confronti, ve ne sono grato perchè non era scontato e mi ha fatto davvero molto piacere. Posso solo dirvi che a mia volta ricambio in pieno tutto quanto di buono e di bello abbiamo visto e fatto insieme in questi anni.

Ringraziandovi ancora vi saluto con viva cordialità

Giovanni MAGNANO, Dirigente Settore Edilizia Sociale, Comune di Torino 

I enjoyed my day at the City Reformers Group very much - and the event on Wednesday evening was absolutely brilliant.  You had obviously given a lot of thought to it and it showed.  The boat, the slow food, the river and the brilliant backdrop of the city - I suspect one of life's optimum combinations.  Well done and many thanks.  PS  The seminar was good too!

Stuart GULLIVER, Professor of City Development, University of Glasgow Business School

Thank you so much for the wonderful organisation and interesting meeting and social events in London last week.

Sylvie HARBURGER, Unité Actions Urbaines, Commission Européenne 

I really enjoyed the event and thanks for inviting me.

Anne-Marie CAMPBELL, Policy and Research Manager, Development Department, Belfast City Council

Anne, it was a real pleasure meeting all of you and having my mind expanded by thinking about the issues that I work with in the broader context of European cities - I very much appreciated being included.  It was great working with you all…Thank you again.  

Carolyn GATZ, Director, Greater Louisville Project 

Please pass on my sincerest thanks to all the team, I really enjoyed my short time with you, your enthusiasm for the work and the people you engage with is contagious.  I am fully aware of the time and effort you have all put in to making these events both useful for the work and engaging for us attendees.  Thoroughly enjoyed the event, and thanks for the info.

Gerard MURDEN, Enterprise Director, Senior Partner TiC Consultants, PLUS Group

A note of thanks to you and your colleagues for a wonderful meeting, producing lots of very good shared information.  These are valuable meetings. 

Paul BROPHY, Urban Consultant, Former Vice-President, Brophy & Reilly LLC

Thank you all for such a wonderful and thought provoking couple of days. I really enjoyed myself. You have got a great group of people together which is clearly producing interesting results.

Martin SAKER, Regeneration Co-ordinator, North Manchester Regeneration Team, Manchester City Council

Good to see you, hope we can work more closely going forward.  Thanks for all your hospitality.

Kim BURNETT, Program Officer for Community Revitalization, Surdna Foundation

I really appreciated the seminar SO MUCH.  Probably it was also because it was the third and - as I am always very SLOW in everything - I could deeply realise now how relevant your approach and way of "putting together" people is for advancing in knowledge and especially in developing attitudes at comparing giving value to differences.

Really a great work. Beside my congratulations is also the desire of...the next chances and perspectives of exchange.

Massimo BRICOCOLI, Assistant Professor, DiAP Politecnico di Milano

…has already generated some v useful discussions…

Jonathan BREARLEY, Director, Office for Climate Change, DEFRA

It was a pleasure for me to participate in your meeting and have the opportunity to speak in front of such an interesting audience. Once again, thank you for everything and congratulations for the meeting. Muchas gracias por todo.

La conferencia fue perfecta tanto en contenido como en organización.  Estoy muy ilusionado con la propuesta de Anne de publicar mi presentación y estoy ya escribiendo el texto en Inglés.

Pedro Luis EMPARANZA, Instituto de Estudios Territoriales de Bizkaia, Bilbao

Yes, I thought the event was very interesting and enjoyed meeting you and the other participants.

Doug LOW, Chief Executive, Centre for Full Employment Ltd, Sheffield 

Thank you so much for the invitation – I enjoyed the sessions very much.

Beth WORRALL, Global Community Impact Manager, Bank of America (UK)

It was a pleasure to attend the meeting.  As I mentioned to Jörg, your meetings are always stimulating and it’s always very informative to meet other people doing interesting things for different cities in the world.

Juan Álvaro Alayo, Director de Planificación y Nuevas Actuaciones, Bilbao Ria

Thanks for inviting me. It was really very interesting and I have learnt a lot. Hopefully we can start similar project in Hungary soon.

Hegedüs JOZSEF, Managing Director, Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest

I greatly enjoyed the City Reformers Group meeting too and also learnt a lot. I'm glad you found my contribution helpful.

Keith THORPE, Head of Urban Policy Support Team, Department for Communities and Local Government, UK

I think that I have, once again, to thank you and your team for the assistance and organisation. I enjoyed my stay in London - and this is not (only) because of the city.

Oliver WEIGEL, Head of Urban Policy,  German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building & Urban Affairs, Berlin