City Reformers Group: October 2008
Transforming cities across Europe
The fourth network meeting of the LSE/CASE City Reformers Group took place over Monday 20-Wednesday 22 October, 2008.
agenda is available in PDF format, with links to some of the presentations. Alternatively you can download or view the presentations from the list below.
Session 1: Retooling for growth - An American perspective
- The Restoring Prosperity Initiative - Bruce Katz, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
Slides in PDF Format
- Weak Market Cities: US and Europe: what can be learned? - Greg Clark, Advisor on City & Regional Development, CLG, UK Gov.
Slides in PDF Format
Session 2: Transforming European cities
Session 3: Cities in the Big Picture
- Belfast's Infrastructure Gaps - Marie-Thérèse McGivern, Belfast City Council
Slides in PDF Format
- Is land reclamation and residential appeal the top priority? Or new enterprises - Stephan Muzika, EPORA, Saint-Etienne
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- Cities within regional and national frameworks - Phil Roberts, Creative Sheffield City Development Company
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- Will recovering German cities hold onto new jobs? - Oliver Weigel, German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building & Urban Affairs
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- Economic development in Greater Baltimore - Brad McDearman, Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore
Slides in PDF Format
Session 4: City Stories - what really works in poorer neighbourhoods
- San Salvario urban renewal agency, Torino - Andrea Bocco, San Salvario Development Agency, Torino
Slides in PDF Format
- Examples from Bremen Gröpelingen and Osterholz-Tenever - Jörn Ehmke, Urban Development Agency (GfS), Bremen
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- Regeneration and synchronised swimming: a case study in Belfast - Roy Adams, Entity Partnerships, Belfast
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Session 5: Climate change will have a major impact on cities - are they doing enough
- An urban agenda to tackle climate change - Philipp Rode, LSE/Urban Age
Slides in PDF Format
- Sprawl & Re-urbanisation in shrinking city-regions - Dieter Rink, UFZ
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- Climate Change - at last we are waking up - Stephen Muers, Office for Climate Change, DEFRA
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- The City of Turin renews itself with... energy! - Gianfranco Presutti, Urban II Project, Torino (unable to attend the meeting)
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- Urban Sprawl and Reurbanisation under the conditions of shrinkage - Dieter Rink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig
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- Climate Change and Rust-belt Cities - Lavea Brachman, Greater Ohio
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