City Reformers Group: March 2010
Transforming cities across Europe
This LSE/CASE City Reformers Group took place over Tuesday 16th - Wednesday 17th March 2010
agenda is available in PDF format, with links to some of the presentations. Alternatively you can download or view the presentations from the list below.
Session 1: How are weak market cities responding to the economic crisis?
- How are weak market cities responding to the economic crisis? European perspective:Germany - Dr.Oliver Weigel, German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
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- Bilbao in the Crisis - Juan Alayo, Bilbao Ría 2000.
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- How are 'Weak Market Cities' responding to the economic crisis in the UK? Stuart Gulliver, University of Glasgow.
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Session 2: How resilient are the cities? What is happening to jobs and skills?
- Integrated urban development - a way towards a resiliant city? - Karolin Pannike, City of Leipzig, City Planning Office, Div. Urban Development Planning
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- How resilient are the cities? The case of Bilbao - Beatriz Plaza, Faculty of Economics-University of the Basque Country
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- How resilient are the cities? The case of Bochum - Frank Osterhoff, City of Bochum, Office of Economic Development
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- The New Greater Baltimore - Brad McDearman, Executive Vice President, Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore
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Session 3: Are Weak Market Cities sustainable? Green innovations / green jobs
- Germany's Approach to Increase the Share of Energy Efficient Buildings - Thomas Kwapich, DENA
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- Are Weak Market Cities sustainable? The case of Bilbao - Pedro Emperanza, Instituto para la Sostenibilidad
de Bizkaia (ISB)
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- Belfast: The Northern Ireland Green New Deal Group - John Woods, Project Leader Northern Ireland Green New Deal Group
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- The role of retrofit in regeneration - Stephen Muers, Head of Policy and Performance, Homes and Communities Agency
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Session 4: Are social divisions growing or shrinking? Integration or segregation?
- Torino and Milano under observation - Dr. Massimo Bricocoli, DiAP Politecnico di Milano
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- Are social divisions growing or shrinking? The case of Belfast - Barbary Cook, Belfast City CouncilWorkshop
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- Are social divisions growing or shrinking? The case of Torino - Andrea Bocco, Agenzia di Sviluppo Locale di San Salvario
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Session 5: Can social programmes continue? The funds, the organisation, the leadership