London School of Economics Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) LSE
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE)

City Reformers Group: March 2010

Transforming cities across Europe

This LSE/CASE City Reformers Group took place over Tuesday 16th - Wednesday 17th March 2010

The agenda is available in PDF format, with links to some of the presentations. Alternatively you can download or view the presentations from the list below.

Session 1: How are weak market cities responding to the economic crisis?

  • How are weak market cities responding to the economic crisis? European perspective:Germany - Dr.Oliver Weigel, German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • Bilbao in the Crisis - Juan Alayo, Bilbao Ría 2000.
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • How are 'Weak Market Cities' responding to the economic crisis in the UK? Stuart Gulliver, University of Glasgow.
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

Session 2: How resilient are the cities? What is happening to jobs and skills?

  • Integrated urban development - a way towards a resiliant city? - Karolin Pannike, City of Leipzig, City Planning Office, Div. Urban Development Planning
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • How resilient are the cities? The case of Bilbao - Beatriz Plaza, Faculty of Economics-University of the Basque Country Bilbao
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • How resilient are the cities? The case of Bochum - Frank Osterhoff, City of Bochum, Office of Economic Development
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • The New Greater Baltimore - Brad McDearman, Executive Vice President, Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

Session 3: Are Weak Market Cities sustainable? Green innovations / green jobs

  • Germany's Approach to Increase the Share of Energy Efficient Buildings - Thomas Kwapich, DENA
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • Are Weak Market Cities sustainable? The case of Bilbao - Pedro Emperanza, Instituto para la Sostenibilidad de Bizkaia (ISB)
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • Belfast: The Northern Ireland Green New Deal Group - John Woods, Project Leader Northern Ireland Green New Deal Group
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • The role of retrofit in regeneration - Stephen Muers, Head of Policy and Performance, Homes and Communities Agency
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

Session 4: Are social divisions growing or shrinking? Integration or segregation?

  • Torino and Milano under observation - Dr. Massimo Bricocoli, DiAP Politecnico di Milano
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • Are social divisions growing or shrinking? The case of Belfast - Barbary Cook, Belfast City CouncilWorkshop
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

  • Are social divisions growing or shrinking? The case of Torino - Andrea Bocco, Agenzia di Sviluppo Locale di San Salvario
    Slides in PDF Format pdf

Session 5: Can social programmes continue? The funds, the organisation, the leadership