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Health and social care

Research, listed most recent first.

The Coalition's Record on Adult Social Care: Policy, Spending and Outcomes 2010-2015

Tania Burchardt,  Polina Obolenskaya,  Polly Vizard,  January 2015
Paper No' SPCCWP17: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf) | Summary (pdf)

The Coalition's Record on Health: Policy, Spending and Outcomes 2010-2015

Polly Vizard,  Polina Obolenskaya,  January 2015
Paper No' SPCCWP16: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
Tags: health and social care; health; health; health inequalities; primary care quality; adult mortality; social policy

Labour's Record on Health (1997-2010)

Polly Vizard,  Polina Obolenskaya,  July 2013
Paper No' SPCCWP02: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
Tags: health and social care; health; health; health inequalities; primary care quality; adult mortality; social policy

Final report of the Hills Independent Fuel Poverty Review: Getting the Measure of Fuel Poverty

John Hills,  March 2012
Paper No' CASEreport 072: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf) | Executive Summary (pdf)
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Paper copy now out of print.

The review finds that fuel poverty increasingly affects people with low incomes and high energy costs and proposes a new way of measuring the problem to enable interventions to be targeted at the core of the problem.

Tags: poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; housing, neighbourhoods and environment; environment, energy efficiency and climate change; health and social care; health; fuel; poverty; energy; heat; health

The Shifting Balance of Private and Public Welfare Activity in the United Kingdom, 1979 to 2007

Daniel Edmiston,  December 2011
Paper No' CASE 155: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: tax, benefits and pensions; taxation and economic policy; welfare benefits and policy; children, families and education; schools and education; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; housing, neighbourhoods and environment; housing; health and social care; health; social care; regions and area inequalities; cities; private provision; public provision; welfare system; public expenditure; health; education; social security; housing; personal care

An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK - Report of the National Equality Panel

John Hills,  January 2010
Paper No' CASEreport 060: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)

The report looks at the relationship between people’s economic outcomes and their characteristics and finds that inequalities in people's economic positions are also related to their characteristics such as gender, age, ethnicity, religion and education.

Tags: employment and income; employment and the labour market; income inequalities; wealth and social mobility; wealth and assets; tax, benefits and pensions; taxation and economic policy; intergenerational and social mobility; children, families and education; schools and education; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; equality, capabilities and human rights; disability; housing, neighbourhoods and environment; housing; neighbourhoods and communities; health and social care; social care; regions and area inequalities; cities; inequality; economic inequalities in the uk; educational outcomes; employment status; wages and earnings; individual income; incomes on a household basis; household wealth; distributions of economic outcomes; education; employment; wages and earnings; gender; age; ethnicity and religion; disability; sexual orientation; social class; housing tenure; nation and region; area deprivation;

Reducing the Risks to Health: The role of social protection Report of the Social Protection Task Group for the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England Post 2010

Howard Glennerster,  June 2009
Paper No' CASE 139: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Paper copy now out of print.
Tags: poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; health and social care; health; health inequality; social protection; social security

The Effect of Health on Consumption Decisions in Later Life: Evidence from the UK

Eleni Karagiannaki,  January 2009
Paper No' CASE 136: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: employment and income; wealth and social mobility; wealth and assets; health and social care; health; health; consumption; wealth

Are current levels of air pollution in England too high? The impact of pollution on population mortality

Katharina Janke,  Carol Propper,  J. Vernon Henderson,  December 2007
Paper No' CASE 128: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: housing, neighbourhoods and environment; environment, energy efficiency and climate change; health and social care; health; airborne pollutants; adult mortality; geographical analysis

Socio-Economic Status and Child Behaviour: Evidence from a contemporary UK cohort

Carol Propper,  John A. Rigg,  July 2007
Paper No' CASE 125: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)

The paper finds that differences in the home environment in the material quality of the child’s home, maternal mental health, parental conflict and child diet, whilst not individually but when taken together, can explain up to half the social gradients in child behaviours.

Tags: children, families and education; children and child poverty; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; health and social care; health; child behaviour; socio-economic status; health inequalities

Understanding socio-economic inequalities in childhood respiratory health

Carol Propper,  John A. Rigg,  March 2006
Paper No' CASE 109: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; health and social care; health; asthma; wheeze; socio-economic inequalities; mediating

Assessing the impact of illness, caring and ethnicity on social activity

Lucinda Platt,  March 2006
Paper No' CASE 108: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; equality, capabilities and human rights; disability; health and social care; health; social care; long-term illness; caring; ethnic group; social engagement; social capital

Changes in the Living Arrangements of Elderly People in Greece: 1974-1999

Eleni Karagiannaki,  November 2005
Paper No' CASE 104: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: tax, benefits and pensions; pensions; wealth and social mobility; intergenerational and social mobility; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; health and social care; social care; employment and income; elderly; intergenerational living arrangements; greece; poverty

Labour Market Disadvantage amongst Disabled People: A longitudinal perspective

John A. Rigg,  November 2005
Paper No' CASE 103: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: employment and income; employment and the labour market; wealth and social mobility; wealth and assets; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; disability; health and social care; social care; disability; labour market; longitudinal; dynamics

Health Supplier Quality and the Distribution of Child Health

Carol Propper,  John A. Rigg,  Simon Burgess,  June 2005
Paper No' CASE 102: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: children, families and education; children and child poverty; health and social care; health; primary care quality; child health

An exploration of childhood antecedents of female adult malaise in two British birth cohorts: Combining Bayesian model averaging and recursive partitioning

John Hobcraft,  Wendy Sigle-Rushton,  March 2005
Paper No' CASE 095: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: wealth and social mobility; intergenerational and social mobility; children, families and education; children and child poverty; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; health and social care; health; methodology, concepts and measures; employment and income; measurement, concepts and measures; well-being; cohort; bayesian model averaging; recursive trees

Knowing what is good for you: Empirical analysis of personal preferences and the 'objective good'

Orsolya Lelkes,  March 2005
Paper No' CASE 094: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: tax, benefits and pensions; taxation and economic policy; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; equality, capabilities and human rights; disability; health and social care; health; regions and area inequalities; area inequalities; quality of life; capabilities; happiness; basic needs; economic transition

Helter Skelter: Families, disabled children and the benefit system

Gabrielle Preston,  February 2005
Paper No' CASE 092: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)

Families report that DLA makes a significant difference, not just for the disabled child but for the whole family but when repeatedly downrated or withdrawn generates considerable fluctuations in income and high levels of stress and ill health. The report outlines issues that must be addressed if reduce poverty amongst disabled children is to be reduced.

Tags: employment and income; employment and the labour market; tax, benefits and pensions; welfare benefits and policy; children, families and education; children and child poverty; poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; equality, capabilities and human rights; disability; health and social care; social care; appeals; benefits; disability; employment; extra costs; poverty; services; social exclusion; special needs; social inclusion; take-up; welfare rights

The Impact of Low Income on Child Health: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study

Simon Burgess,  Carol Propper,  John A. Rigg,  May 2004
Paper No' CASE 085: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: employment and income; income inequalities; children, families and education; children and child poverty; health and social care; health; child health; income; maternal health; tranmission mechanisms

Disability and Disadvantage: Selection, onset and duration effects

Stephen P Jenkins,  John A. Rigg,  November 2003
Paper No' CASE 074: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: employment and income; employment and the labour market; poverty, exclusion and equalities; disability; health and social care; social care; disability; selection; disadvantage; work; employment

Comparing incomes when needs differ: Equivalisation for the extra costs of disability in the UK

Asghar Zaidi,  Tania Burchardt,  February 2003
Paper No' CASE 064: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: employment and income; income inequalities; poverty, exclusion and equalities; disability; health and social care; social care; equivalisation; disability; standard of living; income distribution

Tasting Freedom: Happiness, religion and economic transition

Orsolya Lelkes,  August 2002
Paper No' CASE 059: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: employment and income; wealth and social mobility; wealth and assets; tax, benefits and pensions; taxation and economic policy; poverty, exclusion and equalities; equality, capabilities and human rights; health and social care; health; happiness; economic transition; religion; entrepreneurs

Measuring Well-Being and Exclusion in Europe's Regions

Kitty Stewart,  March 2002
Paper No' CASE 053: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: poverty, exclusion and equalities; poverty and social exclusion; housing, neighbourhoods and environment; neighbourhoods and communities; health and social care; health; regions and area inequalities; area inequalities; regional disparities; eu; well-being; exclusion

The Dynamics of Being Disabled

Tania Burchardt,  February 2000
Paper No' CASE 036: Read Abstract | Full paper (pdf)
Tags: poverty, exclusion and equalities; disability; health and social care; social care; disability; panel data; survival analysis