Special Educational Needs and Disabilities within the English primary school system: What can disproportionalities by season of birth contribute to understanding processes behind attributions and (lack of) provisions?
Published 1 June 2021
This working paper uses de-identified National Pupil Database records spanning 2008 – 2018 (N children=6 million+) to map disproportionalities by birth season and gender in attributions of levels of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SENDs) and ascriptions of SEND types. It also maps disparities in attribution to Reception children of an Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) ‘Good Level of Development’ and to Year 1 children the status of ‘meeting expectations’ in the Phonics Screening Check. It lays the foundation for more detailed work towards understanding the processes behind birth month disproportionalities in attributions of SENDs, and implications of these for the function of the school and SEND systems.
Paper Number CASE 223:
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JEL Classification: I240; I210