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Hub for Equal Representation in the Economy

We're delighted to report that LSE and the The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have signed an agreement to create a programme dedicated to Gender Equality, with a particular focus on advancing the representation of women and minorities in economics.

The programme is funded by the Gates foundation and hosted by STICERD at the London School of Economics. It is co-directed by Professors Oriana Bandiera and Camille Landais, and Dr Nina Roussille.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has committed 3 million pounds over the next 3 years as seed money. This money will complement the STICERD-Yoko Morishima fund, which is already endowed with half a million pounds.

The programme will conduct cutting-edge research on gender inequality. Projects include improving the measurement of gender pay gaps in organisations, and understanding the dynamics of gender norms. Most importantly, the programme will develop targeted interventions to promote women and minorities in the field, including within our own School and the Department of Economics. Finally, the programme intends to serve as an agenda-setting platform for the promotion of minorities in the field.

Future events are being planned for the 2022/23 academic year.

Hub for Equal Representation in the economy logo

Contact information
Website: Hub for Equal Representation

Funded by
Bill and Melinda Gates foundation logo