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Author: John Sutton
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John Sutton
The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which Chinese and Indian auto-component producers have advanced towards international best practice levels of productivity and quality. The report is based on a survey of...Read more...
February 2004
This paper introduces a novel analysis of the classic “persistence of leadership” question, and applies it to a newly constructed dataset for Japanese manufacturing. The analysis rests on an appeal to an empirical “scali...Read more...
January 2004
What economic mechanisms underlie the polarization of the world economy into the 'high wage' industrialized countries and the less developed 'low wage' countries? Should we expect the two groups to converge over time, or...Read more...
September 2001
Certain recently reported statistical regularities relating to the dispersion of firms' growth rates have begun to attract attention among IO economists. These relationships take the form of power law or scaling relation...Read more...
This paper reviews the recent literature on game-theoretic models of market structure and their empirical implementation....Read more...
October 1996
This paper traces the time series (?Growth of Firms?) tradition in the study of market structure and looks at how recent studies on entry and the size distribution of firms have modified thinking in this area....Read more...
This paper proposes an equilibrium concept for a class of games in which players make irreversible costly decisions; these games have been widely used in the recent I.O. literature. The equilibrium concept is defined, no...Read more...
December 1995
This paper specifies and estimates a production function for the airline industry, identifying firms? network characteristics and efficiency as the main determinants of their productivity. The application of this analysi...Read more...
This paper examines the evolution of a skew distribution of firm sizes from the viewpoint of the ?Bounds? approach to market structure. It confines attention to the role played by non-strategic factors (statistical indep...Read more...
Avner Shaked and John Sutton
Ken Binmore, Avner Shaked and John Sutton
J. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Avner Shaked, John Sutton and J.F. Thisse
Richard Jackman and John Sutton