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Housing Plus – supported by the Mitchell Charitable Trust

LSE Housing and the Housing Plus Academy are being supported by the Mitchell Charitable Trust to do further work on six interconnected aspects of Housing Plus, to be developed over the next three years. These include: research activities focussing on the issues around rough sleeping; temporary housing; private renting and the potential for secure tenancies; smaller social landlords; community-led housing; and learning from the Grenfell disaster.

The aim of this work will be to show how families and communities can flourish when they are housed in safe and decent homes, at a rent that is affordable, and with support from the landlord and the community. The research will also explore how social landlords can support their residents and influence the housing sector in order to prevent and reduce homelessness.

Located within LSE's Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, the Housing Plus Academy is a knowledge exchange and research partnership with LSE Housing and Communities. It brings together frontline practitioners, social landlords, policy makers, and residents in a unique format of Think Tanks and workshops. The Housing Plus Academy works closely with small landlords, community-led and community-based housing organisations, and local authorities on homelessness prevention and reduction.

We are grateful to the Mitchell Charitable Trust for their support in this work and we will be producing reports on each of the six themes of the research over the three years.

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Site updated 21 January 2025