Japan - Thailand Relations
Nigel Brailey, Patrick Davis, Junzo Iida and Ian Nish
Published 1991
At a gathering of Southeast Asian experts at the Suntory-Toyota Centre on 31 May 1991 three papers were given on aspects of Thai-Japanese and Anglo-Thai relations. Dr Brailey's paper ranged widely over the field from 1868-1941, though it concentrated on the period when Satow was minister in Bangkok (1884-7) and minister in Tokyo (1895-1900). Dr Iida contributed a paper on the period from c. 1910 to c. 1925, concentrating on the initiatives from both the Thai and the Japanese sides for some sort of rapprochement. Though relations grew much closer, the expected treaty did not emerge. Patrick Davis, the author of A Child at Arms, 1943-5, gave a paper covering episodes (partially autobiographical) from British experiences in Bangkok, Saigon and Batavia in the immediate postwar period.