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STICERD Public Events and Lectures

The Hub for Equal Representation in the Economy, the UCL Stone Centre and the European Economic Association

Hub for Equal Representation in the Economy Workshop and Policy Session

Career Structures in Economics: Workshop and Policy Session

Various speakers

Wednesday 06 March 2024 10:00 - 17:00

Many of our seminars and public events this year will continue as in person or as hybrid (online and in person) events. Please check our website listings and Twitter feed @STICERD_LSE for updates.

Unless otherwise specified, in-person seminars are open to the public. Please ensure you have informed the event contact as early as possible.

Those unable to join the seminars in-person are welcome to participate via zoom if the event is hybrid.

About this event

H.E.R., in collaboration with The EEA and UCL’s Stone Centre, will host an all-day event to further explore career structures in economics.

Listen to a recording of the event:

Logos of Hub, Stone UCL, and EEA

There is increasing awareness around the lack of diversity in academia in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and other social dimensions. Within economics and economic policy decisions, the representation of women and minorities in faculty groups has not been incrementally improving over the past 10 years according to various data analysis, such as that conducted by the Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in Economics Profession. This lack of representation occurs at the level of hiring as well as promotion, and the gaps are particularly large at higher and more senior positions. It is, therefore, crucial to understand whether (and how) current career structures in economics promote the selection and retention of talent among academic economists.

In response to this, LSE’s Hub for Equal Representation in the economy (H.E.R.) and the European Economic Association (EEA) partnered to launch an initiative aimed at supporting the development of research in this area. Research to provide concrete and feasible policy recommendations to the EEA and other institutions within the field was funded through this initiative.

On Wednesday 6 March, H.E.R., in collaboration with The EEA and UCL’s Stone Centre, will host an all-day event to further explore career structures in economics. The event will bring together authors of the funded papers to present and discuss their findings. Following this dedicated workshop will be a policy and interventions session, exploring ways in which action is being (and can be) implemented to increase representation in economics. 

Workshop Speakers

Roberto Nistico  University of Naples

Roberto Nistico  University of Naples

Marco Nieddu University of Cagliari

Lorenzo Pandolfi University of Naples

Anne Sophie Lassen  Copenhagen Business School

Ria Ivandic LSE

Erin Hengel LSE

Myra Mohnen  University of Ottawa

Petra Moser NYU

Anna Stansbury MIT Sloan

Policy Session Participants

Professor Adnan Khan (Chair), Chief Economist, FCDO

Professor Paula Bustos, Chair of the Standing Committee of Women in Economics Network, EEA

Professor Anusha Chari, Chair of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, AEA

Laura Parish, Associate Director, GC Insight (previously GES)

Indi Seehra, Director of Human Resources, LSE

Professor Almudena Sevilla, Chair of the Women in Economics Network, RES &CEP

Programme and Registration

The workshop programme is now available. Please register here to attend the event. 

To attend online, please register using the zoom webinar form.

Event Organisers: Oriana Bandiera (LSE) and Imran Rasul (UCL)

For further information please contact Lubala Chibwe, by email: