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STICERD Public Events and Lectures

Hosted by LSE's Department of Social Policy, the LSE Hayek Programme, the Classical Liberal Institute at New York University Law School, the Hayek Program at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and the Institute for Humane Studies

Hayek Programme in Economics and Liberal Political Economy

Symposium on the Lessons of Classical Liberalism for the Modern World

Thursday 20 June 2024 09:30 - Friday 21 June 2024 18:00

Many of our seminars and public events this year will continue as in person or as hybrid (online and in person) events. Please check our website listings and Twitter feed @STICERD_LSE for updates.

Unless otherwise specified, in-person seminars are open to the public. Please ensure you have informed the event contact as early as possible.

Those unable to join the seminars in-person are welcome to participate via zoom if the event is hybrid.

About this event

On June 20-21, the LSE will host a workshop on the Lessons of Classical Liberalism for the Modern World. This event is sponsored by the LSE’s Department of Social Policy, the LSE Hayek Programme, the Classical Liberal Institute at New York University Law School, the Hayek Program at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and the Institute for Humane Studies.

There are a small number of places available to attend this symposium. In order to request a place, please contact Professor Adam Oliver by email at

The programme for the symposium is as follows:

20 June
Coffee available from 8.45am
9.15am: Welcome (Adam Oliver, LSE)
9.30am: Mario Rizzo, NYU: "Liberalism as a Philosophy of Indirection" 
10.15am: Adam Brzezinski and Tim Besley, LSE: "The Political Economy of Neoliberal Narratives"
11.00am: Tea/coffee
11.30am: Kristen Collins, GMU: "Inequality and Equanimity in Smith's Approach to Spectatorship"
12.15pm: Roberto Fumagalli, KCL: "A Defence of Informed Preference Satisfaction Theories and Welfare"
1.00pm: Lunch
2.15pm: Virgil Storr, GMU: tbc
3.00pm: Otto Lehto, NYU: "The Evolutionary Viewpoint in Liberalism"
3.45pm: Tea/coffee
4.15pm: Malte Dold, Pomona: "Agency and Adaptation in Liberal Societies"
5pm: Close

21 June
Coffee available from 9.30am
10am: Robert Sugden, UEA: "Private Acts and Social Acts in a Market Economy"
10.45am: John Meadowcroft, KCL: "Entangled Political Economy: Implications for Classical Liberalism"
11.30m: Tea/coffee
12pm: Johanna Thoma, Bayreuth: "A Liberal’s Guide to Policy-Making Under Risk"
12.45pm: Lunch
2pm: Paul Dragos Aligica and Pete Boettke, GMU: "Social and Values Heterogeneity, and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy: Classical Liberal Diagnostic and Modus Vivendi Governance Solutions"
2.45pm: Shaun Hargreaves Heap, KCL: "Autonomy in Classical Liberalism: The Character of the Institutions that Matter"
3.30pm: Tea/coffee
4pm: Adam Oliver, LSE: "Autonomy and its Limits in The Great Society"
4.45pm: Close

For further information please contact Lubala Chibwe, by email: