Caterina Soto-Vieira
PhD Student
Expertise: development economics, labour economics, urban economics
Caterina is currently researching how expropriation risk is related to labour supply, agricultural production and asset ownership, using a simple theoretical model and a cross country analysis to support with empirical evidence. Relatedly, she is interested on how the labour market characteristics of countries are related to growth and inequality. Another part of her research is focused on gender differences on the labour market. In particular, she is interested in knowing how firms led by women or led by men behave differently when affected by exogenous demand shocks. Lastly, she is doing ongoing research on the effect of using technology to improve public safety and police activity. Specifically, she is working on a paper in which they assess the effects of using body worn cameras to reduce excessive use of force by the police, through an experiment led in Brazil.
Caterina Soto-Vieira's current research interests are:
- Development Economics
- Labour Economics
- Urban Economics